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There are 12 seven-letter words containing G, H and 2R

AARRGHHaarrghh interj. Elongated form of argh.
AARRGHH interj. used to express disgust, also AARGH, AARRGH.
ARDRIGHARDRIGH n. (Irish) a title given to the High King of Ireland, also ARDRI.
BURGHERburgher n. A citizen of a borough or town, especially one belonging to the middle class.
burgher n. A prosperous member of the community; a middle class citizen (may connote complacency).
Burgher n. A member of a mixed-race ethnic group of Sri Lanka, consisting of descendants of European colonists and local people.
CHARGERcharger n. A device that charges or recharges.
charger n. One who charges.
charger n. (Historical, military) A large horse trained for battle and used by the cavalry (of a lighter build than a destrier).
CURRAGHcurragh n. Alternative spelling of currach.
Curragh prop.n. A plain in County Kildare, Ireland; the site of a racecourse.
CURRAGH n. (Irish) a long-shaped boat similar to a coracle, also CURAGH, CURRACH.
DROGHERdrogher n. A West Indian coasting vessel, with long masts and lateen sails.
drogher n. Any small, slow craft, especially for transporting goods to or from shore.
DROGHER n. (Dutch) a W. Indian coasting vessel, with long masts and lateen sails, also DROGER.
GHARRISgharris n. Plural of gharri.
GHARRI n. (Hindi) in India, a wheeled vehicle for hire, also GHARRY.
GURRAHSgurrahs n. Plural of gurrah.
GURRAH n. (Hindi) a coarse Indian muslin.
HERRINGherring n. A type of small, oily fish of the genus Clupea, often used as food.
herring n. Fish in the family Clupeidae.
herring n. Fish similar to those in genus Clupea, many of those in the order Clupeiformes.
MURRAGHMURRAGH n. a caddis fly which fishermen know that trout favour.
RIGHTERrighter n. One who sets right; one who does justice or redresses wrong.
righter adj. Comparative form of right: more right.
Righter prop.n. A surname.
ROUGHERrougher adj. Comparative form of rough: more rough.
rougher n. A worker who shapes something to prepare it for a finishing operation.
rougher n. A piece of woollen cloth prepared for fulling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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