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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 3G and O

BOGGINGbogging v. Present participle of bog.
bogging adj. (Scotland, vulgar, slang) Stinking; disgusting.
BOG v. to sink into a bog.
COGGINGcogging v. Present participle of cog.
cogging n. Gerund of cog, the tendency of some electric motors to snap preferentially to certain positions when not energized.
COGGING n. a type of joint for two wooden beams.
DOGGINGdogging n. The act of one who dogs or harasses.
dogging n. (UK) The practice of having sexual intercourse in public places, especially parks, deliberately taking…
dogging v. Present participle of dog.
EGGNOGSeggnogs n. Plural of eggnog.
egg␣nogs n. Plural of egg nog.
EGGNOG n. a hot or cold alcoholic drink with added egg and usually milk.
FOGGAGEfoggage n. (UK, dialect) Dead or decaying grass remaining on land through the winter.
foggage v. To leave dead or decaying grass on land through the winter.
FOGGAGE n. (Scots) a grass that grows after the hay is cut.
FOGGINGfogging v. Present participle of fog.
fogging n. The dispersal of insecticide into a forest canopy so as to collect organisms.
FOGGING n. the act of obscuring e.g. a lens with fog.
GOGGLEDgoggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of goggle.
goggled adj. Wearing goggles.
goggled adj. (Dated) prominent; staring.
GOGGLERgoggler n. One who or that which goggles.
goggler n. A carangoid marine fish (Selar crumenophthalmus) with large, prominent eyes.
GOGGLER n. a kind of oceanic fish, having very large and prominent eyes.
GOGGLESgoggles n. Protective eyewear set in a flexible frame to fit snugly against the face.
goggles n. Blinds for shying horses.
goggles n. Plural of goggle.
GONGINGgonging v. Present participle of gong.
gonging n. The sounding of a gong.
GONG v. to summon by sounding a gong.
GORGINGgorging v. Present participle of gorge.
gorging n. The act of one who gorges, or eats to satiety.
GORGE v. to stuff with food.
GOUGINGgouging v. Present participle of gouge.
gouging n. A mark produced by gouging.
GOUGE v. to cut or scoop out.
GROGGEDgrogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of grog.
GROG v. to extract the spirit from the wood of casks by soaking it in hot water.
HOGGINGhogging v. Present participle of hog.
hogging n. (Slang) The targeting by men of overweight or obese women for sexual encounters, not due to sexual attraction…
hogging n. Taking up too much of something so others cannot use it.
JOGGINGjogging n. The action of the verb to jog.
jogging n. The practice of running at a relatively slow pace for exercise.
jogging v. Present participle of jog.
LOGGINGlogging v. Present participle of log.
logging n. An act or instance of logging (cutting trees).
logging n. An act or instance of logging (making an entry in a log).
MOGGINGmogging v. Present participle of mog.
MOG v. to move away.
NOGGINGnogging v. Present participle of nog.
nogging n. (Carpentry) A horizontal beam used in the construction of a building, especially to strengthen upright posts.
nogging n. (Masonry) Rough brick masonry used to fill open spaces.
SOGGINGsogging v. Present participle of sog.
SOGGING n. the act of making soggy.
TOGGINGtogging v. Present participle of tog.
TOG v. to clothe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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