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There are 18 six-letter words containing G, S, U and Y

GOUSTYgousty adj. (Scotland) Dreary.
GOUSTY adj. (Scots) desolate, dreary.
GUYLESGUYLE v. (Spenser) to beguile.
GUYOTSguyots n. Plural of guyot.
Guyots prop.n. Plural of Guyot.
GUYOT n. a flat-topped underwater mountain of volcanic origin.
GUYSESguyses n. (Slang) Alternative spelling of guys; plural of guy.
guyses n. (Colloquial) Alternative spelling of guys’.
GUYSE n. (Spenser) guise.
GYPSUMgypsum n. A mineral consisting of hydrated calcium sulphate. When calcinated, it forms plaster of Paris.
GYPSUM n. hydrated calcium sulphate, a soft mineral used for making plaster of Paris and as a fertilizer.
GYROUSGYROUS adj. in botany, marked with wavy lines, also GYROSE.
SAUGHYSAUGHY adj. full of saughs, willows.
SCUNGYscungy adj. (Australia, New Zealand, US, informal) Dirty, messy; sordid.
SCUNGY adj. (Australian slang) dirty, unkempt, sordid.
SHUGGYSHUGGY n. (dialect) a swing, as at a fairground.
SLUDGYsludgy adj. Characteristic of sludge; slimy or mucky.
SLUDGY adj. covered with sludge.
SMUDGYsmudgy adj. Marked with smudges.
smudgy adj. Like a thick smoke (such as is emitted by a smudge pot).
SMUDGY adj. having smudges.
SMUGLYsmugly adv. In a self-satisfied manner.
SMUG adv. complacent.
SNUGLYsnugly adv. Tightly, with limited space to move, in a snug manner.
SNUG adv. cosy.
SPUGGYspuggy n. (Geordie, Teesside, Scotland) sparrow.
SPUGGY n. (Scots) a house sparrow, also SPUG, SPEUG.
STUGGYstuggy adj. (Cornwall) stocky; stout.
STUGGY adj. (dialect) thickset, stout.
SUGARYsugary adj. Of food, drink, etc, containing or covered with a large amount of sugar.
sugary adj. Of behavior, exaggeratedly sweet and pleasant, often to the point of aversion.
sugary adj. (Dated) Fond of sweets.
WAGYUSWAGYU n. (Japanese) a Japanese breed of beef cattle.
YOUNGSyoungs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of young.
Youngs prop.n. A surname.
Youngs prop.n. Plural of Young.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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