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There are 13 six-letter words containing G, R, T and Y

GANTRYgantry n. A framework of steel bars resting on side supports to bridge over or around something.
gantry n. A supporting framework for a barrel.
gantry n. A gantry crane or gantry scaffold.
GENTRYgentry n. Birth; condition; rank by birth.
gentry n. Courtesy; civility; complaisance.
gentry n. People of education and good breeding.
GRITTYgritty adj. Containing sand or grit; consisting of grit; caused by grit; full of hard particles.
gritty adj. Spirited; resolute; unyielding.
gritty adj. (Film, literature) Intense and starkly realistic; depicting harsh reality, especially violence.
GROTTYgrotty adj. (Slang, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) Unpleasant, dirty, slovenly or offensive.
grotty adj. Alternative form of groaty.
GROTTY adj. wretchedly shabby; of a poor quality.
GROUTYgrouty adj. Full of grout(s), that is, sediment.
grouty adj. (Chiefly northern US) Angry or surly, sulky.
grouty adj. (Chiefly northern US) Lowering; threatening to rain or storm.
GYRANTgyrant adj. (Poetic) gyrating.
GYRANT adj. spinning around.
GYRATEgyrate v. (Intransitive) To revolve round a central point; to move spirally about an axis, as a tornado.
gyrate adj. (Biology) Having coils or convolutions.
GYRATE v. to revolve or rotate.
RIGHTYrighty n. (US, informal) A right-handed person.
righty n. (UK, informal) A right-wing person.
righty interj. (Informal) Right; used to indicate agreement or change of topic.
TIGERYtigery adj. (Colloquial) Resembling a tiger, or an aspect of tigers.
TIGERY adj. like a tiger.
TRIGLYtrigly n. (Informal) Triethylene glycol dichloride.
trigly adv. In a trig manner; neatly; smartly.
TRIG adv. (Scots) trim, neat.
TRYINGtrying adj. Difficult to endure; arduous.
trying adj. Irritating, stressful or bothersome.
trying v. Present participle of try.
TYRINGtyring v. Present participle of tyre.
TYRE v. to supply a covering for a wheel.
YOGURTyogurt n. A milk-based product stiffened by a bacterium-aided curdling process, and sometimes mixed with fruit…
yogurt n. (Especially in compounds) Any similar product based on other substances (e.g. soy yogurt).
YOGURT n. (Turkish) a semisolid, somewhat sour foodstuff, made from milk curdled by the addition of certain bacteria, also YAOURT, YOGHOURT, YOGHURT, YOGOURT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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