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There are 8 six-letter words containing G, R and 2T

GETTERgetter n. One who gets.
getter n. (Object-oriented programming) A function used to retrieve the value of some property of an object, contrasted…
getter n. (Sciences) A material which is included in a vacuum system or device for removing gas by sorption.
GRITTYgritty adj. Containing sand or grit; consisting of grit; caused by grit; full of hard particles.
gritty adj. Spirited; resolute; unyielding.
gritty adj. (Film, literature) Intense and starkly realistic; depicting harsh reality, especially violence.
GROTTOgrotto n. A small cave.
grotto n. An artificial cavern-like retreat.
grotto n. A Marian shrine, usually built in a cavern-like structure.
GROTTYgrotty adj. (Slang, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) Unpleasant, dirty, slovenly or offensive.
grotty adj. Alternative form of groaty.
GROTTY adj. wretchedly shabby; of a poor quality.
GUTROTgutrot n. Alternative form of gut rot.
gut␣rot n. (Slang) Stomachache.
GUTROT n. (colloquial) rough, cheap alcohol, also ROTGUT.
GUTTERgutter n. A prepared channel in a surface, especially at the side of a road adjacent to a curb, intended for the…
gutter n. A ditch along the side of a road.
gutter n. A duct or channel beneath the eaves of a building to carry rain water; eavestrough.
ROTGUTrotgut n. Raw or poor-quality alcoholic liquor.
rot␣gut n. Alternative spelling of rotgut.
rot␣gut adj. (Usually of whiskey) Unrefined, low quality.
TARGETtarget n. A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile.
target n. A goal or objective.
target n. An object of criticism or ridicule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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