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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing G, O and 2T

GETOUTget-out n. (Informal) An opportunity to escape from an undesirable situation, such as a legal loophole.
get-out n. The dismantling and removal of equipment, scenery, etc. when leaving a theater or television studio…
get␣out v. (Intransitive) To leave or escape.
GHETTOghetto n. An (often walled) area of a city in which Jews are concentrated by force and law. (Used particularly…
ghetto n. An (often impoverished) area of a city inhabited predominantly by members of a specific nationality…
ghetto n. An area in which people who are distinguished by sharing something other than ethnicity concentrate…
GOTTENgotten v. (Chiefly North America, Ireland, Scotland, Northern English, or archaic) past participle of get.
gotten adj. (Mostly in combination) obtained, acquired.
GET v. to obtain or acquire.
GOUTTEgoutte n. (Heraldry) A charge in the form of a teardrop shape, originally with wavy sides, but now often with straight sides.
goutté adj. Alternative spelling of gutty (“semé with drops”).
GOUTTE n. (French) a drop.
GROTTOgrotto n. A small cave.
grotto n. An artificial cavern-like retreat.
grotto n. A Marian shrine, usually built in a cavern-like structure.
GROTTYgrotty adj. (Slang, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) Unpleasant, dirty, slovenly or offensive.
grotty adj. Alternative form of groaty.
GROTTY adj. wretchedly shabby; of a poor quality.
GUTROTgutrot n. Alternative form of gut rot.
gut␣rot n. (Slang) Stomachache.
GUTROT n. (colloquial) rough, cheap alcohol, also ROTGUT.
ROTGUTrotgut n. Raw or poor-quality alcoholic liquor.
rot␣gut n. Alternative spelling of rotgut.
rot␣gut adj. (Usually of whiskey) Unrefined, low quality.
TAUTOGtautog n. A fish of the wrasse family found in salt water off of eastern North America from Nova Scotia to South…
TAUTOG n. (Native American) a labroid fish of the North American coast, also TAUTAUG.
TOGATEtogate adj. Clad in a toga; represented in art as wearing a toga.
TOGATE adj. (Shakespeare) wearing a toga, also TOGAED, TOGATED, TOGED.
TOTINGtoting v. Present participle of tote.
TOTE v. to carry by hand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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