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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing G, 2O and U

BURGOOburgoo n. (Nautical) A dish which originated among seafarers during the days of sail: a sort of porridge seasoned…
burgoo n. A spicy stew, typically made with a combination of meats and vegetables, and often served with cornbread…
BURGOO n. a kind of oatmeal pudding, or thick gruel, used by seamen, also BURGOUT.
COLUGOcolugo n. An arboreal gliding mammal of the family Cynocephalidae native to South-east Asia.
COLUGO n. (Malay) a flying lemur.
CONGOUcongou n. (Dated) A kind of Chinese black tea.
Congou n. Alternative form of congou.
CONGOU n. (Chinese) a kind of black Chinese tea, also CONGO.
DUOLOGduolog n. Alternative form of duologue.
DUOLOG n. a conversation between two people, also DUOLOGUE.
FOGOUSfogous n. Plural of fogou.
FOGOU n. a manmade underground passage or chamber, found in Cornwall.
GOMOKUgomoku n. An abstract strategy board game, played with pieces from the game go (black and white stones) on a go…
GOMOKU n. (Japanese) a game played on a board of 256 squares, with fifty counters.
GOMUTOgomuto n. Alternative form of gomuti.
GOMUTO n. (Malay) a Malayan palm tree, yielding a black fibre, also GOMUTI.
GOOFUSgoofus n. Synonym of doofus.
GOOFUS n. a foolish or stupid person.
GOUJONgoujon n. A mudcat (fish).
goujon n. A thin strip of food, usually fish or chicken.
GOUJON n. (French) a small strip of fish coated with flour and deep-fried.
LOGOUTlogout n. (Computing) The act or process of logging out.
log␣out v. (Computing) To exit a user account in a computer system, so that one is not recognized until signing in again.
LOGOUT n. exit from a mainframe or server system, also LOGOFF.
OULONGoulong n. Archaic form of oolong.
OULONG n. (Chinese) a kind of black tea, also OOLONG.
QUOHOGquohog n. Alternative form of quahog.
QUOHOG n. (Native American) a kind of clam, also COHOG, QUAHAUG, QUAHOG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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