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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing G, N, P and R

PARANGparang n. A short, heavy, straight-edged knife used in Malaysia and Indonesia as a tool and weapon.
parang v. To cut with a parang.
parang n. A style of music originating from Trinidad and Tobago, strongly influenced by Venezuelan music.
PARINGparing v. Present participle of pare.
paring n. A fragment or shaving that has been pared.
paring n. The cutting off of the surface of grassland for tillage.
PINGERpinger n. A device that emits a short, high-pitched sound burst, such as in sonar or other echo location systems.
pinger n. A device that periodically emits a signal that can be monitored to permit movement tracking.
pinger n. A computer program that sends a ping message over a network.
PORINGporing v. Present participle of pore.
poring n. The act of one who pores.
PORE v. to examine closely.
PRANGSprangs n. Plural of prang.
prangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prang.
PRANG v. to cause to crash.
PROGUNprogun adj. Supportive of guns, especially widespread firearm training.
progun adj. (Politics) Supportive of gun rights, especially supportive of more expansive gun rights or strongly…
pro-gun adj. Alternative form of progun.
PROIGNPROIGN v. (obsolete) to preen, prune, also PROIN, PROINE, PROYN, PROYNE.
PRONGSprongs n. Plural of prong.
PRONG v. to pierce with a pointed object.
PRYINGprying v. Present participle of pry.
prying n. The act of one who pries.
PRYING adj. inquisitive.
PURINGpuring v. Present participle of pure.
PURE v. to cleanse or refine; to treat with pure (dog faeces).
RAPINGraping v. Present participle of rape.
raping n. Rape (sexual violation).
raping n. Misspelling of rapping.
REPUGNrepugn v. (Archaic) To oppose or resist.
REPUGN v. to fight against; to oppose.
RIPINGriping v. Present participle of ripe.
RIPE v. to ripen.
ROPINGroping v. Present participle of rope.
roping n. The act of catching an animal with a rope.
roping adj. Ropy; stringy; glutinous.
SPRANGsprang v. Simple past tense of spring.
Sprang prop.n. A surname from German.
SPRANG n. a weaving technique to form an openwork mesh.
SPRINGspring v. (Intransitive) To burst forth.
spring v. (Transitive, archaic, of beards) To grow.
spring v. (Transitive) To cause to burst forth.
SPRONGsprong v. (Archaic) simple past tense of spring.
SPRING v. to leap upward.
SPRUNGsprung v. Simple past tense and past participle of spring.
sprung adj. (Slang, African American Vernacular English) Utterly infatuated with someone; completely taken over…
sprung adj. (Australia, slang) Caught doing something illegal or against the rules.
URPINGURP v. (slang) to vomit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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