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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing G, N, O and Z

COZINGcozing v. Present participle of coze.
COZE v. to converse in a friendly manner, chat.
DOZINGdozing v. Present participle of doze.
dozing n. A light sleep.
DOZING n. the act of taking a short sleep.
GAZONSgazons n. Plural of gazon.
GAZON n. (obsolete) one of the pieces of sod used to line or cover parapets and the faces of earthworks, also GAZOON.
GAZOONgazoon n. (Northern Ireland) A young farm boy.
gazoon n. (Nonce word) A close body of men.
GAZOON n. (obsolete) one of the pieces of sod used to line or cover parapets and the faces of earthworks, also GAZON.
GONZOSgonzos n. Plural of gonzo.
GONZO n. (US slang) a wild, crazy person.
GOZZANgozzan n. Alternative form of gossan.
GOZZAN n. a type of decomposed rock, also GOSSAN.
MOZINGmozing n. The raising of nap on cloth, as in a gig-mill.
MOZE v. to raise a nap on.
OOZINGoozing v. Present participle of ooze.
oozing n. (Countable, uncountable) Something that oozes; a seepage.
oozing n. (Uncountable) Synonym of stringing (“defect in 3D printing”).
TOZINGtozing v. Present participle of toze.
TOZE v. to tease out, draw out, also TEASE, TEAZE, TOAZE, TOSE.
ZONINGzoning v. Present participle of zone.
zoning n. (Law) Legislative action for the purpose of regulating the use of property and the construction of buildings…
zoning n. The use of zones, such as fare zones.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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