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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing G, 2N and S

ENNOGSennogs n. Plural of ennog.
ENNOG n. (dialect) a back alley.
ENSIGNensign n. A badge of office, rank, or power.
ensign n. The lowest grade of commissioned officer in the United States Navy, junior to a lieutenant junior grade.
ensign n. A flag or banner carried by military units; a standard or color/colour.
INGANSINGAN n. (Scots) an onion.
NGANASNGANA n. (Zulu) a tropical disease of cattle transmitted by tsetse fly, also NAGANA.
NOSINGnosing v. Present participle of nose.
nosing n. An animal’s pushing or exploration with the nose.
nosing n. That part of the treadboard of a stair that projects over the riser.
SANINGSANE v. to make the sign of the cross on, also SAIN.
SININGSining prop.n. Dated form of Xining.
SINE v. (Scots) to rinse, wash out, also SIND, SYND, SYNE.
SYNINGSYNE v. to rinse, wash out, also SIND, SINE, SYND.
UNSNAGunsnag v. To remove a snag from.
unsnag v. To release from a snag; unsnare; disentangle; disencumber.
UNSNAG v. to free of snags.
UNSUNGunsung adj. Which has not been lauded or appreciated.
unsung adj. Not sung.
UNSUNG adj. not sung.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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