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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing G, M, N and T

GUMNUTgumnut n. The hard woody fruit of trees of the genus Eucalyptus.
GUMNUT n. the woody fruit of the eucalyptus.
MAGNETmagnet n. A piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism.
magnet n. (Informal, figuratively, preceded by a noun) A person or thing that attracts what is denoted by the preceding noun.
magnet n. (Internet) Short for magnet link.
MATINGmating adj. Fitting into or onto a corresponding part, as a matched plug and socket.
mating n. (Zoology) Pairing of organisms for copulation.
mating n. (Zoology) Sexual union; copulation.
METINGmeting v. Present participle of mete.
meting n. The act of one who metes; a distribution or handing out.
METE v. to distribute by measure.
MONGST'mongst prep. (Archaic, poetic) amongst.
MONGST prep. (obsolete) amongst, also EMONG, EMONGES, EMONGEST, EMONGST.
MUTINGmuting v. Present participle of mute.
muting n. The dung of birds.
muting n. The process by which something is muted or silenced.
NUTMEGnutmeg n. An evergreen tree (Myristica fragrans) cultivated in the East Indies for its spicy seeds.
nutmeg n. The aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice.
nutmeg n. A small moth, Hadula trifolii, feeding on plants and native to the Northern Hemisphere.
TAMINGtaming v. Present participle of tame.
taming n. The process by which a person, animal or thing is tamed.
TAMING n. the act of taming.
TEGMENtegmen n. (Biology) A covering or integument, usually referring to a thin layer or membrane in an organism.
tegmen n. (Botany) An integument such as the inner membrane of the coat of a seed.
tegmen n. (Anatomy) A covering such as the thin layer of bone in the roof of the middle ear of mammals.
TIMINGtiming n. (Countable, obsolete) An occurrence or event.
timing n. (Countable, uncountable) The regulation of the pace of e.g. an athletic race, the speed of an engine…
timing n. (Countable, uncountable) The time when something happens.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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