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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing G, L and 2U

BULGURbulgur n. Wheat grains that have been steamed, dried, and crushed; a staple of Middle Eastern cooking.
BULGUR n. (Turkish) a form of cooked, broken wheat, also BULGAR, BULGHUR, BURGHUL.
GUTFULgutful n. (Informal) As much as a gut (abdomen) will hold.
gutful n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand, slang) As much as one is willing to hear or experience; as much as or more…
GUTFUL n. (colloquial) one's fill, more than enough, also GUTSFUL.
JUGFULjugful n. As much as a jug will hold.
JUGFUL n. as much as a jug will hold.
JUGULAjugula n. Plural of jugulum.
JUGULUM n. (Latin) the front part of the neck.
MUGFULmugful n. As much as a mug will contain.
MUGFUL n. as much as a mug can hold.
UNGLUEunglue v. To separate that which was held by glue.
unglue v. To cease to adhere to or follow attentively.
UNGLUE v. to release from a state of being glued.
UNGUALungual adj. (Biology) Pertaining to or resembling a creature’s nail, claw or hoof; unguinal.
ungual n. A modified toe bone, typically ending in a hoof or claw.
UNGUAL adj. of or bearing a claw, hoof, or talon.
UNGULAungula n. A hoof, claw, or talon.
ungula n. (Geometry) A section of a cylinder, cone, or other solid of revolution, cut off by a plane oblique to…
ungula n. (Botany) Alternative form of unguis.
UNPLUGunplug v. (Transitive) To disconnect from a supply, especially an electrical socket.
unplug v. (Intransitive) To stop using electronic devices, especially for relaxation or to reduce stress.
unplug v. (Transitive) To remove a blockage from (especially a water pipe or drain).
VULGUSvulgus n. (UK, education, historical) A school exercise in which pupils are tasked with writing a short piece…
VULGUS n. (Latin) the common people; a schoolboy Latin composition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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