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There are 19 six-letter words containing G, H, N and T

ANIGHTanight adv. (Obsolete) In the night-time, at night.
ANIGHT adv. (Shakespeare) by night.
HATINGhating v. Present participle of hate.
HATE v. to loathe.
HETINGHETE v. (obsolete) to command, also HIGHT, HECHT.
HOGNUThognut n. (US) The pignut or hickory (Carya glabra of family Juglandaceae).
hognut n. (UK) Conopodium majus, a tuberous plant of the Apiaceae.
hognut n. Bunium bulbocastanum (black cumin) of the Apiaceae.
KNIGHTknight n. (Historical) A young servant or follower; a trained military attendant in service of a lord.
knight n. (Historical) A minor nobleman with an honourable military rank who had served as a page and squire.
knight n. (By extension) An armored and mounted warrior of the Middle Ages.
LENGTHlength n. The distance measured along the longest dimension of an object.
length n. Duration.
length n. (Horse racing) The length of a horse, used to indicate the distance between horses at the end of a race.
NAUGHTnaught pron. Nothing.
naught n. (Archaic) Nothingness.
naught n. (Chiefly US, old-fashioned) Alternative spelling of nought.
NIGHTSnights adv. At night (during night-time, especially on a regular basis).
nights n. Plural of night.
NIGHT n. the period from sunset to sunrise.
NIGHTYnighty n. Alternative spelling of nightie.
nighty phr. (Childish) Good night. Abbreviation of nighty night.
NIGHTY n. a nightgown, also NIGHTIE.
NOUGHTnought n. Nothing; something which does not exist.
nought n. A thing or person of no worth or value; nil.
nought n. (UK) Not any quantity of number; zero; the score of no points in a game.
THANGSthangs n. Plural of thang.
Thangs prop.n. Plural of Thang.
THANG n. (colloquial) thing.
THEGNSthegns n. Plural of thegn.
THEGN n. (Old English) a king's companion in Anglo-Saxon England, also THANE.
THINGOthingo n. (Australia) A thingamajig; something the name of which is unknown or cannot be recalled.
THINGO n. (Australian slang) an object whose name is unknown or temporarily forgotten.
THINGSthings n. Plural of thing.
things n. One’s clothes, furniture, luggage, or possessions collectively; stuff.
things v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thing.
THINGYthingy n. (Informal) A thing (used to refer to something vaguely or when one cannot recall its name).
thingy n. (Slang, euphemistic, childish) Penis.
thingy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a thing; tangible.
THONGSthongs n. Plural of thong.
Thongs prop.n. Plural of Thong.
THONG v. to flog with a whip.
THONGYthongy adj. Stringy; ropy.
THONGY adj. resembling an item of clothing made from a strip of cloth.
THRANGthrang adj. (Dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) Busy, preoccupied.
thrang adj. (Dialectal, rare, Northern England) Crowded, busy.
thrang v. (Scotland) To throng.
THRONGthrong n. A group of people crowded or gathered closely together.
throng n. A group of things; a host or swarm.
throng v. (Transitive) To crowd into a place, especially to fill it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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