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There are 15 five-letter words containing G, N, O and R

ARGONargon n. The chemical element (symbol Ar) with an atomic number of 18. The third most abundant gas in the Earth’s…
argon n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
ARGON n. an inert gaseous element.
ERGONergon n. (Physics) Work, measured in terms of the quantity of heat to which it is equivalent.
ergon n. (Classical philosophy) A task or function of a creature.
ERGON n. (Greek) work or business.
GENROgenro n. (Historical) A body of elder statesmen of Japan, formerly used as informal advisors to the Emperor.
GENRO n. (Japanese) a group of elder statesmen in Japan.
GIRONgiron n. Alternative form of gyron.
GIRON n. a heraldic inverted vee, also GYRON.
GONERgoner n. (Informal) Someone (or something) doomed; a hopeless case, especially someone who is bound to die soon.
goner n. (Baseball slang) A ball hit out of the playing area for a home run.
GONER n. one who is in a hopeless situation.
GROANgroan n. A low, mournful sound uttered in pain or grief.
groan n. A low, guttural sound uttered in frustration, disapproval, or ecstasy.
groan n. (Of an object) A low creaking sound from applied pressure or weight.
GROINgroin n. The crease or depression of the human body at the junction of the trunk and the thigh, together with…
groin n. The area adjoining this fold or depression.
groin n. (Architecture) The projecting solid angle formed by the meeting of two vaults.
GRONEgrone v. Obsolete spelling of groan.
GRONE v. to utter a low mournful sound, also GROAN.
GROWNgrown v. Past participle of grow.
grown adj. Covered by growth; overgrown.
grown adj. (US) Of a person: adult.
GYRONgyron n. (Heraldry) A triangular form having an angle at the fess point and the opposite side at the edge of the escutcheon.
GYRON n. a heraldic inverted vee, also GIRON.
NAGORnagor n. (Archaic) The bohor reedbuck, Redunca redunca.
NAGOR n. (French) a reedbuck of savannah in equatorial Africa, with short forward-curving horns.
ORANGorang n. An orangutan.
ORANG n. (Malay) a reddish-brown, tree-dwelling anthropoid ape, found only in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo, also ORANGUTAN, OURANG.
ORGANorgan n. The larger part of an organism, composed of tissues that perform similar functions.
organ n. (By extension) A body of an organization dedicated to the performing of certain functions.
organ n. (Music) A musical instrument that has multiple pipes which play when a key is pressed (the pipe organ)…
PRONGprong n. A thin, pointed, projecting part, as of an antler or a fork or similar tool. A tine.
prong n. A branch; a fork.
prong n. (Colloquial) The penis.
WRONGwrong adj. Incorrect or untrue.
wrong adj. Asserting something incorrect or untrue.
wrong adj. Immoral, not good, bad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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