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There are 13 five-letter words containing G, I, N and T

GIANTgiant n. A mythical human of very great size.
giant n. (Mythology) Specifically…
giant n. A very tall and large person.
GLINTglint n. A short flash of light.
glint adj. (Archaic, Shropshire, of a blade) Not sharp; dull.
glint v. (Intransitive) To flash or gleam briefly.
INGOTingot n. A solid block of more or less pure metal, often but not necessarily bricklike in shape and trapezoidal…
ingot v. (Transitive) To form (scraps of metal) into ingots.
INGOT n. a mass of unwrought metal, esp. gold or silver, cast in a mould.
NGATINgāti n. (New Zealand) local or tribal group.
NGATI n. (Maori) a tribe or clan.
NIGHTnight n. (Countable) The period between sunset and sunrise, when a location faces far away from the sun, thus…
night n. (Astronomy, countable) The period of darkness beginning at the end of evening astronomical twilight…
night n. (Law, countable) A period of time often defined in the legal system as beginning 30 minutes after sunset…
STINGsting n. A bump left on the skin after having been stung.
sting n. A puncture made by an insect or arachnid in an attack, usually including the injection of venom.
sting n. A pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack.
TANGItangi n. Synonym of tangihanga.
TANGI n. (Maori) a ceremony of mourning.
THINGthing n. That which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept.
thing n. A word, symbol, sign, or other referent that can be used to refer to any entity.
thing n. An individual object or distinct entity.
TIGONtigon n. A cross between a male tiger and a lioness.
TIGON n. the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion, also TIGLON.
TINGEtinge n. A small added amount of colour; (by extension) a small added amount of some other thing.
tinge n. The degree of vividness of a colour; hue, shade, tint.
tinge v. (Transitive) To add a small amount of colour; to tint; (by extension) to add a small amount of some other thing.
TINGStings n. Plural of ting.
Tings prop.n. Plural of Ting.
TING v. to emit a high-pitched metallic sound.
TOINGtoing n. The sound of a metallic vibration; twang.
TOING n. as in toing and froing.
TYINGtying n. Action of the verb to tie; ligature.
tying n. (Mining) The act or process of washing ores in a buddle.
tying v. Present participle of tie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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