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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing G, I, L and U

GUILDguild n. A group or association mainly of tradespeople made up of merchants, craftspeople, or artisans for mutual…
guild n. A corporation.
guild n. (Ecology) A group of diverse species that share common characteristics or habits.
GUILEguile n. (Uncountable) Astuteness often marked by a certain sense of cunning or artful deception.
guile n. Deceptiveness, deceit, fraud, duplicity, dishonesty.
guile v. To deceive, beguile, bewile.
GUILTguilt n. Responsibility for wrongdoing.
guilt n. (Law) The state of having been found guilty or admitted guilt in legal proceedings.
guilt n. The regret of having done wrong.
GUSLIgusli n. (Music) A plucked psaltery-like string instrument, usually played on the lap and sometimes created with…
GUSLI n. a one-stringed Balkan musical instrument, also GUSLA, GUSLE.
IGLUSiglus n. Plural of iglu.
IGLU n. (Inuit) a snow house, also IGLOO.
LUNGIlungi n. A garment worn around the waist, especially by men, in Southern India, Bangladesh, Burma, and Pakistan.
LUNGI n. (Hindi) in India, a long cloth used as a loin cloth, turban etc., also LUNGEE, LUNGYI.
LURGIlurgi n. Alternative spelling of lurgy.
LURGI n. (facetious) a fictitious disease, also LURGY.
PUGILpugil n. (Obsolete) As much as is taken up between the thumb and two first fingers; a pinch.
PUGIL n. (obsolete) a boxer.
UGALIugali n. African cornmeal porridge.
UGALI n. (Swahili) an African type of stiff porridge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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