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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing G, T, Y and Z

ANTISYZYGYantisyzygy n. The presence of dueling polarities within one entity, thought of as typical for the Scottish psyche and literature.
ANTISYZYGY n. a union of opposites.
ATMOLYZINGatmolyzing v. Present participle of atmolyze.
ATMOLYZE v. to separate gases by diffusion, also ATMOLYSE.
AUTOLYZINGautolyzing v. Present participle of autolyze.
AUTOLYZE v. to break down tissue by enzyme action, also AUTOLYSE.
CATALYZINGcatalyzing v. Present participle of catalyze.
CATALYZE v. to act at a catalyst, also CATALYSE.
HOMOZYGOTEhomozygote n. (Genetics) A diploid individual that has equal alleles at one or more genetic loci.
HOMOZYGOTE n. an organism or cell having the same alleles for a particular inherited characteristic.
PTYALIZINGptyalizing v. Present participle of ptyalize.
PTYALIZE v. to induce ptyalism in, also PTYALISE.
PYRITIZINGpyritizing v. Present participle of pyritize.
PYRITIZE v. to convert into pyrites, also PYRITISE.
ZEITGEISTYzeitgeisty adj. (Informal) Conforming to the zeitgeist.
ZEITGEISTY adj. of, relating to, or typical of the zeitgeist.
ZYGANTRUMSZYGANTRUM n. (Greek) extra vertebral articulation in snakes and some lizards.
ZYGOCACTUSzygocactus n. Any cactus in the genus Schlumbergera (previously Zygocactus).
Zygocactus prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Cactaceae – now Schlumbergera.
ZYGOCACTUS n. a genus of Brazilian cactus, aka the Christmas cactus.
ZYGODACTYLzygodactyl adj. Having two toes pointing forward, and two pointing backward; zygodactylous.
zygodactyl n. (Ornithology) Any bird with toes of this kind, such as the parrot.
ZYGODACTYL adj. having two toes pointing forward and two backwards.
ZYGOMATICSzygomatics n. Plural of zygomatic.
ZYGOMATIC n. the cheek bone.
ZYGOMYCETEzygomycete n. (Biology) An organism of the phylum Zygomycota.
ZYGOMYCETE n. one of a group of fungi marked by the production of zygospores.
ZYGOPHYTESzygophytes n. Plural of zygophyte.
ZYGOPHYTE n. a plant that reproduces by the union of two similar cells.
ZYGOSITIESzygosities n. Plural of zygosity.
ZYGOSITY n. the makeup of a zygote.
ZYMOLOGISTzymologist n. (Zymurgy) One who is skilled in zymology, or in the fermentation of liquors.
ZYMOLOGIST n. one who is skilled in zymology, or in the fermentation of liquors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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