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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2G and V

GAVAGESgavages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gavage.
GAVAGE n. (French) the introduction of material into the stomach by a tube.
GINGIVAgingiva n. (Anatomy) The gum, consisting of the tissue surrounding the roots of the teeth and covering the jawbone.
GINGIVA n. (Latin) the fleshy tissue surrounding the teeth.
GIVINGSgivings n. Plural of giving.
GIVING n. the act of giving.
GLOVINGgloving v. Present participle of glove.
GLOVING n. the craft of making gloves.
GRAVINGgraving v. Present participle of grave.
graving n. The act of cleaning a ship’s bottom.
graving n. (Obsolete) An engraving.
OVEREGGoveregg v. Alternative spelling of over-egg.
over-egg v. To overembellish.
OVEREGG v. to exaggerate absurdly.
VAGGINGvagging v. Present participle of vag.
VAG v. (Australian slang) to arrest someone for vagrancy.
VAGUINGvaguing v. Present participle of vague.
VAGUE v. to be vague.
VEGGIERVEGGIE adj. (colloq.) vegetarian.
VEGGIESveggies n. Plural of veggie.
VEGGIE n. a vegetarian, also VEGIE, VEGO.
VEGGINGvegging v. Present participle of veg.
VEG v. to laze about.
VENGINGvenging v. Present participle of venge.
VENGE v. (Shakespeare) to avenge.
VERGINGverging v. Present participle of verge.
verging n. (Geometry) A neusis.
VERGE v. to come near.
VLOGGEDvlogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of vlog.
VLOG v. to keep a video blog.
VLOGGERvlogger n. A contributor to a vlog.
VLOGGER n. one who keeps a vlog, a video blog.
VOGUINGvoguing n. (Dance) A stylized form of modern dance characterized by photographic-style poses integrated with angular…
VOGUING n. performing to pop music, also VOGUEING.
VUGGIERVUGGY adj. abounding in vugs, also VUGHY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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