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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing G, U and Z

AGUIZEAGUIZE v. (Spenser) to adorn, also AGUISE.
FUZINGfuzing v. Present participle of fuze.
FUZE v. to equip with a detonating device, also FUSE.
GAUZESgauzes n. Plural of gauze.
GAUZE n. a transparent fabric.
GAZUMPgazump v. (Britain) To swindle; to extort.
gazump v. (Britain, Australia, real estate) To raise the selling price of something (especially property) after…
gazump v. (Britain, Australia, real estate) To buy a property by bidding more than the price of an existing, accepted offer.
GUIZERguizer n. Alternative form of guiser.
GUIZER n. a person in disguise, also GUISER.
GUTZERGUTZER n. a greedy person, also GUTSER.
GUZZLEguzzle v. To drink or eat quickly, voraciously, or to excess; to gulp down; to swallow greedily, continually, or with gusto.
guzzle v. (Intransitive, dated) To consume alcoholic beverages, especially frequently or habitually.
guzzle v. (By extension) To consume anything quickly, greedily, or to excess, as if with insatiable thirst.
MZUNGUmzungu n. (East Africa) A white person.
MZUNGU n. (Swahili) in East Africa, a white person.
UPGAZEupgaze n. (Medicine) The act of looking upward.
upgaze v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To gaze upward.
up-gaze n. Alternative spelling of upgaze.
ZEUGMAzeugma n. (Rhetoric) The act of using a word, particularly an adjective or verb, to apply to more than one noun…
zeugma n. (Rhetoric) Syllepsis.
ZEUGMA n. (Greek) a figure of speech.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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