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There are 19 six-letter words containing G and 2H

CHOUGHchough n. Either of two species of bird of the genus Pyrrhocorax in the crow family Corvidae that breed mainly…
chough n. The white-winged chough, of genus Corcorax in the Australian mud-nest builders family, Corcoracidae…
CHOUGH n. a kind of jackdaw found in rocky places on the seacoast.
EIGHTHeighth adj. The ordinal form of the number eight.
eighth n. The person or thing in the eighth position.
eighth n. One of eight equal parts of a whole.
HAUGHShaughs n. Plural of haugh.
Haughs prop.n. Plural of Haugh.
HAUGH n. (Scots) a low-lying meadow by the side of a river.
HAUGHThaught adj. (Obsolete) Haughty.
Haught prop.n. A surname.
HAUGHT adj. (Shakespeare) haughty, exalted, also HAULT, HAUT.
HEIGHTheight n. The distance from the base of something to the top.
height n. The distance of something above the ground or some other chosen level.
height n. (Phonetics) A quality of vowels, indicating the vertical position of the tongue relative to the roof…
HEUGHSheughs n. Plural of heugh.
HEUGH n. (Scots) a crag, a steep-sided valley, also HEUCH.
HIGHEDhighed v. Simple past tense and past participle of high.
HIGH v. to turn to the left.
HIGHERhigher adj. Comparative form of high: more high.
higher adv. Comparative form of high: more high.
higher n. (Scotland, education) A national school-leaving examination and university entrance qualification.
HIGHLYhighly adv. In a high or esteemed manner.
highly adv. Extremely; greatly; very much.
HIGH adv. reaching far upward.
HIGHTHhighth n. Obsolete form of height.
HIGHTH n. (archaic) height, also HEIGHTH.
HIGHTShights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hight.
Hights prop.n. Plural of Hight.
HIGHT v. (archaic) to command, also HECHT, HETE.
HOHINGHOH v. to stop, also HO, HOA.
HOUGHShoughs n. Plural of hough.
houghs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hough.
HOUGH v. to hamstring.
SHAUGHSHAUGH n. a thicket.
SHEUGHsheugh n. (Ireland, Scotland) A ditch, especially a field boundary ditch usually used to drain fields and mark their boundaries.
sheugh n. (Scotland, colloquial, Northern Irish, colloquial, especially coastal, as in Kilkeel, once the biggest…
sheugh n. (Ireland, colloquial) The Atlantic Ocean; the sea. The Irish Sea is the "little sheugh,the Atlantic…
SHOUGHshough interj. Obsolete form of shoo.
shough n. (Obsolete) A shockdog.
SHOUGH n. a shaggy lapdog, also SHOWGHE.
THIGHSthighs n. Plural of thigh.
THIGH n. a part of the leg from knee to hip.
THOUGHthough adv. (Conjunctive) Despite that; however.
though adv. (Degree) Used to intensify statements or questions; indeed.
though conj. Despite the fact that; although.
WHEUGHwheugh interj. Dated form of whew.
WHEUGH v. to utter a sound of astonishment, also WHEW.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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