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There are 19 six-letter words containing 3G

EGGINGegging v. Present participle of egg.
egging n. The act of pelting with eggs.
EGG v. to incite.
EGGNOGeggnog n. A beverage based on milk, eggs, sugar, and nutmeg; often made alcoholic with rum, brandy, or whisky;…
egg␣nog n. Alternative spelling of eggnog.
EGGNOG n. a hot or cold alcoholic drink with added egg and usually milk.
GAGGEDgagged v. Past participle of gag.
GAG v. to stop up the mouth.
GAGGERgagger n. A piece of iron embedded in the sand of a mold to keep the sand in place.
gagger n. (Slang) An actor or performer who relies on gags (quips).
gagger n. (Slang, archaic) A hoaxer; a deceiver.
GAGGLEgaggle n. (Collective) A group of geese when they are on the ground or on the water.
gaggle n. (By extension) Any group or gathering of related things.
gaggle v. To make a noise like a goose; to cackle.
GAGINGgaging v. Present participle of gage.
GAGE v. to pledge as security.
GEGGIEgeggie n. A crude theatre space, constructed at a rural fair in Scotland to perform simplified versions of popular…
geggie n. (Scotland) Mouth.
GEGGIE n. (Scots) the mouth.
GIGGEDgigged v. Simple past tense and past participle of gig.
GIG v. to catch fish with a pronged spear.
GIGGITgiggit v. (US, transitive, intransitive) To convey or move rapidly.
GIGGIT v. (US archaic) to convey or move rapidly.
GIGGLEgiggle v. To laugh gently in a playful, nervous, or affected manner.
giggle n. A high-pitched, silly laugh.
giggle n. (Informal) Fun; an amusing episode.
GIGGLYgiggly adj. Prone to giggling.
GIGGLY adj. tending to giggle.
GLOGGSGLOGG n. (Swedish) a hot spiced wine and liquor punch served in Scandinavian countries as a Christmas drink.
GOGGASgoggas n. Plural of gogga.
GOGGA n. (South African) an insect, a creepy-crawly.
GOGGLEgoggle v. To stare (at something) with wide eyes.
goggle v. To roll the eyes.
goggle n. A wide-eyed stare or affected rolling of the eye.
GOGGLYgoggly adj. Resembling goggles, used mostly in relation to eyes.
GOGGLY adj. wide-eyed.
GROGGYgroggy adj. Slowed or weakened, as by drink, sleepiness, etc.
groggy adj. Of a horse: bearing wholly on its heels when trotting.
GROGGY adj. dazed.
GUGGLEguggle v. To make a sound as of liquid being poured from a small-necked container.
guggle v. (Of a liquid) To pour from a container and make this sound.
guggle n. The sound of liquid being poured.
IGGINGigging v. Present participle of ig.
igging v. Present participle of igg.
IGG v. (slang) to ignore.
UGGINGugging v. Present participle of ug.
ugging v. Present participle of ugg.
UG v. to arouse loathing in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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