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There are 14 five-letter words containing G and 2R

GARREGARRE v. (Spenser) to make, compel.
GIRRSGIRR n. (Scots) a hoop, for a barrel or used as a child's plaything.
GNARRgnarr v. Alternative form of gnar.
GNARR v. to snarl, also GNAR, KNAR.
GRRLSgrrls n. Plural of grrl.
GRRL n. as in riot grrl, a young woman who plays or enjoys an aggressively feminist style of punk rock music, also GRRRL.
GRRRLgrrrl n. (Slang) Elongated form of grr.
grrrl n. A riot grrrl.
GRRRL n. as in riot grrrl, a young woman who plays or enjoys an aggressively feminist style of punk rock music, also GRRL.
GURRYgurry n. (Historical, India) A circular gong that was struck at regular intervals to indicate the time.
gurry n. (Historical, India) The time interval indicated by striking the gurry. Originally, this was twenty-two…
gurry n. (India) A small fort.
RAGERrager n. (Uncommon) One who rages.
rager n. (Slang) A party, particularly a large, wild party (social event).
rager n. (Slang) A raging erection; a massive erection of the penis.
REGARREGAR n. (Hindi) the rich black cotton soil of the Indian subcontinent, also REGUR.
REGURregur n. A rich, black, loamy soil found in India.
REGUR n. (Hindi) the rich black cotton soil of the Indian subcontinent, also REGAR.
REORGreorg n. (Informal) A reorganization.
Reorg. n. (Law) Abbreviation of reorganization.
Reorg. n. (Law) Abbreviation of reorganized.
RERIGrerig v. (Nautical) To rig again; to outfit a ship with new rigging.
RERIG v. to rig again.
RIGORrigor n. US spelling of rigour.
rigor n. (Medicine) A feeling of cold with shivering accompanied by a rise in body temperature.
rigor n. (Physiology, informal) Short for rigor mortis.
ROGERroger interj. (Radio telecommunications) Received (used in radio communications to acknowledge that a message has…
roger v. (Radio telecommunications, transitive) To acknowledge by saying "roger".
roger v. (Transitive) Of a man, to have sexual intercourse with (someone), especially in a rough manner.
URGERurger n. One who urges.
Urger prop.n. A surname.
URGER n. one who urges.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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