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There are 11 five-letter words containing G and 2N

ENNOGennog n. (Liverpudlian, dated) An alley between terraced houses.
ENNOG n. (dialect) a back alley.
GENNYgenny n. (Slang) A person from the suburbs who moves to a low-income urban area.
genny n. (Slang) Clipping of generator (“device that converts mechanical to electrical energy”).
Genny prop.n. A female given name, a diminutive of Genevieve, or occasionally a variant of Ginny or Jenny.
GINNYginny adj. Affected by gin; resembling or characteristic of gin.
Ginny prop.n. A diminutive of the female given names Virginia or Ginevra.
GINNY adj. affected with gin (a strong liquor).
GNAWNgnawn v. (Archaic) past participle of gnaw.
GNAW v. to wear away by persistent biting.
GONNAgonna cont. (Colloquial, with bare infinitive) Contraction of going to when followed by an infinitive verb: used…
GONNA v. (colloquial) going to.
GUNNYgunny n. (Uncountable) A coarse heavy fabric made of jute or hemp.
gunny n. (Countable) A gunny sack.
gunny n. (Countable, informal) A gunnery sergeant.
GYNNYGYNNY n. (Shakespeare) a guinea hen, also GYNNEY.
INGANINGAN n. (Scots) an onion.
NGANAngana n. Obsolete spelling of nagana.
NGANA n. (Zulu) a tropical disease of cattle transmitted by tsetse fly, also NAGANA.
NONGSnongs n. Plural of nong.
Nongs prop.n. Plural of Nong.
NONG n. (Australian slang) a fool, an idiot.
NYINGNYE v. to draw near, approach, also NIE, NIGH, NY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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