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There are 14 five-letter words containing G and 2L

ALGALalgal adj. Pertaining to, or like, algae.
algal n. An alga.
ALGAL adj. of or like alga, any member of the algae, seaweeds.
GALLSgalls n. Plural of gall.
galls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gall.
GALL v. to make sore by rubbing.
GALLYgally n. Archaic form of galley.
gally adj. Characterised by or resembling gall; bitter.
gally v. (Obsolete, UK, dialect) To frighten; to worry.
GELLYgelly n. Obsolete form of jelly.
GELLY n. (slang) gelignite.
GHYLLghyll n. (Scotland, Northern England) A ravine.
GHYLL n. a narrow ravine.
GILLSgills n. Plural of gill.
gills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gill.
Gills n. Plural of Gill.
GILLYgilly n. Alternative spelling of gillie (“a guide”).
gilly n. (Slang) The drink torpedo juice.
Gilly prop.n. A surname from French.
GLIALglial adj. Of or pertaining to glia.
GLIAL adj. like a glia, the connective tissue framework which supports the nervous matter and blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord.
GOLLYgolly interj. (Euphemistic) God!
golly n. Abbreviation of golliwog…
golly n. (UK) A galosh.
GRILLgrill n. A grating; a grid of wire or a sheet of material with a pattern of holes or slots, usually used to protect…
grill n. The criss-cross pieces that separate panes of glass in a window.
grill n. On a vehicle, a slotted cover as above, to protect and hide the radiator, while admitting air to cool it.
GULLSgulls n. Plural of gull.
gulls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gull.
Gulls prop.n. (Soccer, informal) Torquay United F. C., a football club from Torquay, England.
GULLYgully n. A trench, ravine or narrow channel which was worn by water flow, especially on a hillside.
gully n. A small valley.
gully n. (UK) A drop kerb.
LEGALlegal adj. Relating to the law or to lawyers.
legal adj. Having its basis in the law.
legal adj. Being allowed or prescribed by law.
LOLOGlolog n. Alternative form of loglog (“logarithm of a logarithm”).
LOLOG n. the logarithm of a logarithm, also LOGLOG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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