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There are 15 five-letter words containing G, H and R

AARGHaargh interj. Alternative form of argh.
AARGH interj. an exclamation indicating dismay, also AARRGH, AARRGHH, ARGH.
BROGHBROGH n. a dry-built circular tower of the late Iron Age, also BROCH, BROUGH.
BRUGHBrugh prop.n. A surname.
BRUGH n. a borough.
BURGHburgh n. (Sussex) a small mound, often used in reference to tumuli (mostly restricted to place names).
burgh n. (UK) a borough or chartered town (now only used as an official subdivision in Scotland).
Burgh prop.n. A topographical surname from Anglo-Norman for someone who lived in a fortified place.
GARTHgarth n. A grassy quadrangle surrounded by cloisters.
garth n. A close; a yard; a croft; a garden.
garth n. A clearing in the woods; as such, part of many placenames in northern England.
GERAHgerah n. (Historical) An ancient Hebrew unit of weight and currency, one twentieth of a shekel.
GERAH n. (Hebrew) a Hebrew unit of weight.
GIRSHgirsh n. Dated form of qursh.
GIRSH n. (Arabic) a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, also QURSH, GURSH, QURUSH.
GIRTHgirth n. A band passed under the belly of an animal, which holds a saddle or a harness saddle in place.
girth n. The part of an animal around which the girth fits.
girth n. (Informal) One’s waistline circumference, most often a large one.
GRAPHgraph n. (Applied mathematics, statistics) A data chart (graphical representation of data) intended to illustrate…
graph n. (Mathematics) A set of points constituting a graphical representation of a real function; (formally)…
graph n. (Graph theory) A set of vertices (or nodes) connected together by edges; (formally) an ordered pair…
GRITHgrith n. (Obsolete) Guaranteed security, sanctuary, safe conduct.
grith n. (Historical) Security, peace or protection guaranteed in particular instances in Old English law.
grith n. (Historical) A place of protection, a sanctuary.
GURSHgursh n. Dated form of qursh.
GURSH n. (Arabic) a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, also GIRSH, KURUSH, QURSH, QURUSH.
HUGERhuger adj. Comparative form of huge: more huge.
HUGE adj. very large.
RIGHTright adj. (Archaic) Straight, not bent.
right adj. (Geometry) Of an angle, having a size of 90 degrees, or one quarter of a complete rotation; the angle…
right adj. (Geometry) Of a geometric figure, incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.
ROUGHrough adj. Not smooth; uneven.
rough adj. Approximate; hasty or careless; not finished.
rough adj. Turbulent.
SHRUGshrug n. A lifting of the shoulders to signal indifference or a casual lack of knowledge.
shrug n. A cropped, cardigan-like garment with short or long sleeves, typically knitted.
shrug v. (Transitive, intransitive) To raise (the shoulders) to express uncertainty, lack of concern, (formerly) dread, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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