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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing 2G and L

GLOGGglogg n. A Scandinavian version of vin chaud or mulled wine; a hot punch made of red wine, brandy and sherry…
glögg n. Alternative spelling of glogg.
GLOGG n. (Swedish) a hot spiced wine and liquor punch served in Scandinavian countries as a Christmas drink.
GLUGSglugs n. Plural of glug.
GLUG v. to make a gurgling sound.
GULAGgulag n. (Historical) Also GULAG: the system of all Soviet labour camps and prisons in use, especially during…
gulag n. (By extension).
gulag v. (Transitive, informal, also figuratively) To compel (someone) into a forced labour camp or a similar…
LEGGElegge n. Obsolete spelling of leg.
Legge prop.n. A surname.
LEGGE n. (Shakespeare) the dregs of the people.
LEGGOleggo cont. (Slang, chiefly imperative) Contraction of let go.
leggo cont. (Slang, chiefly imperative) Contraction of let’s go. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
leggo n. A form of calypso music; lavway.
LEGGYleggy adj. (UK, US, chiefly of a woman) Having long, attractive legs; long-legged.
leggy adj. (Slang, chiefly of a woman) Exposing the bare or pantyhose-clad legs, especially the thighs.
leggy adj. Having numerous legs.
LIGGELIGGE v. (dialect) to lie, also LIG.
LOGGYloggy adj. Full of logs.
LOGGY adj. sluggish, also LOGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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