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There are 19 words containing F, O, 2R, 2S and 2T

ASTROTURFERSastroturfers n. Plural of astroturfer.
ASTROTURFER n. one who engages in ASTROTURFING.
ASTROTURFINGSASTROTURFING n. political, advertising, or public relations campaigning that seeks to create the impression of being spontaneous 'grassroots' behavior.
FARTHINGSWORTHSfarthingsworths n. Plural of farthingsworth.
FARTHINGSWORTH n. as much as a farthing will buy.
FLORICULTURISTSfloriculturists n. Plural of floriculturist.
FLORICULTURIST n. one who practises floriculture.
FORSTERITESforsterites n. Plural of forsterite.
FORSTERITE n. a white, yellow, or green mineral of the olivine group consisting of magnesium silicate.
FORTHRIGHTNESSforthrightness n. The characteristic or quality of being forthright.
FORTHRIGHTNESS n. the state of being forthright.
FRATERNISATIONSfraternisations n. Plural of fraternisation.
FRATERNISATION n. the act of fraternising, also FRATERNIZATION.
FRUSTRATIONSfrustrations n. Plural of frustration.
FRUSTRATION n. the act of frustrating.
REFORESTATIONSreforestations n. Plural of reforestation.
REFORESTATION n. the action of renewing forest cover, as by natural seeding or by the artificial planting of seeds or young trees.
REFORMATIONISTSREFORMATIONIST n. a supporter of reformation.
SHIRTFRONTSshirtfronts n. Plural of shirtfront.
SHIRTFRONT v. to knock (a person) to the ground by striking him or her in the chest with one's shoulder.
STERNFOREMOSTsternforemost adv. With the stern, instead of the bow, in advance.
sternforemost adv. (Figurative) In an awkward, blundering manner.
STERNFOREMOST adv. with the stern in advance.
STOREFRONTSstorefronts n. Plural of storefront.
STOREFRONT n. the front side of a store or store building facing a street.
TORTFEASORStortfeasors n. Plural of tortfeasor.
TORTFEASOR n. a person guilty of tort, a wrongful act, damage, or injury done willfully.
TRANSFORMATIONStransformations n. Plural of transformation.
TRANSFORMATION n. an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed.
TRANSFORMISTtransformist n. A believer in or follower of transformism.
transformist adj. Of or relating to transformism.
TRANSFORMIST n. a proponent of transformism.
TRANSFORMISTICtransformistic adj. Relating to transformism.
TRANSFORMISTIC adj. serving to transform.
TRANSFORMISTStransformists n. Plural of transformist.
TRANSFORMIST n. a proponent of transformism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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