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There are 18 words containing F, 2O, R, S, 2T and U

FORTUITOUSfortuitous adj. Happening by chance; coincidental, accidental.
fortuitous adj. Happening by a lucky chance; lucky or fortunate.
fortuitous adj. (Law) Happening independently of human will.
FRONTCOURTSfrontcourts n. Plural of frontcourt.
FRONTCOURT n. a basketball team's offensive half of the court.
COUNTERFORTScounterforts n. Plural of counterfort.
COUNTERFORT n. a buttress or arch supporting a retaining wall.
FORETHOUGHTSforethoughts n. Plural of forethought.
FORETHOUGHT n. a thinking or planning out in advance.
FORTUITOUSLYfortuitously adv. In a fortuitous manner; in a manner of happening by chance; coincidentally; accidentally.
fortuitously adv. (Sometimes proscribed) In a fortuitous manner; in a manner of happening by a lucky chance; luckily; fortunately.
FORTUITOUS adv. occurring by chance.
FUTUROLOGISTfuturologist n. A person who practices futurology.
FUTUROLOGIST n. a student of futurology.
FORTITUDINOUSfortitudinous adj. Having fortitude; courageous.
FORTITUDINOUS adj. showing fortitude.
FUTUROLOGISTSfuturologists n. Plural of futurologist.
FUTUROLOGIST n. a student of futurology.
PROFECTITIOUSprofectitious adj. Proceeding from, or as if from, a parent; derived, as from an ancestor.
PROFECTITIOUS adj. derived from a parent or ancestor.
COUNTEREFFORTScounterefforts n. Plural of countereffort.
COUNTEREFFORT n. an effort opposing another effort.
FLUOROACETATESfluoroacetates n. Plural of fluoroacetate.
FLUOROACETATE n. an organofluorine compound.
FORTUITOUSNESSfortuitousness n. The quality of being fortuitous.
FORTUITOUS n. occurring by chance.
SUPERFOETATIONsuperfoetation n. Alternative spelling of superfetation.
SUPERFOETATION n. a second conception when there is already a fetus in the womb, also SUPERFETATION.
AUTOTRANSFORMERautotransformer n. (Electrical engineering) A transformer with a single winding, its output being taken from taps.
AUTOTRANSFORMER n. a transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have part or all of their turns in common.
AUTOTRANSFUSIONautotransfusion n. (Medicine) A blood transfusion in which a person receives their own blood, extracted previously.
AUTOTRANSFUSION n. the return of autologous blood to the patient's own circulatory system.
POSTTRANSFUSIONposttransfusion adj. After a blood transfusion.
POSTTRANSFUSION adj. caused by transfused blood.
SUPERFOETATIONSsuperfoetations n. Plural of superfoetation.
SUPERFOETATION n. a second conception when there is already a fetus in the womb, also SUPERFETATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 655 words
  • Scrabble in French: 49 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 64 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 27 words

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