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There are 11 words containing F, 2L, M, O, R, S and U

STORMFULLYstormfully adv. In a stormful manner.
STORMFUL adv. abounding with storms.
MELLIFEROUSmelliferous adj. Bearing honey.
melliferous adj. (Botany) Bearing any substance that is collected by bees to produce honey.
MELLIFEROUS adj. producing or forming honey.
MULTIFLORASmultifloras n. Plural of multiflora.
MULTIFLORA n. a type of climbing rose having clusters of small flowers.
MOURNFULLESTmournfullest adj. Superlative form of mournful: most mournful.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
MULTIFLOROUSmultiflorous adj. (Botany) Having many flowers.
MULTIFLOROUS adj. many-flowered.
REMORSEFULLYremorsefully adv. With remorse; in a remorseful manner.
REMORSEFUL adv. motivated or marked by remorse.
METALLIFEROUSmetalliferous adj. (Metallurgy) Containing a metallic element. Often used to describe ores that are mined commercially.
METALLIFEROUS adj. bearing metal.
UMBELLIFEROUSumbelliferous adj. (Botany) Bearing umbels.
umbelliferous adj. (Botany) Pertaining to a member of the family Umbelliferae.
UMBELLIFEROUS adj. bearing umbels.
MULTIFARIOUSLYmultifariously adv. In a multifarious manner.
MULTIFARIOUS adv. having great diversity; manifold.
UNREMORSEFULLYunremorsefully adv. In an unremorseful manner; without remorse.
UNREMORSEFUL adv. not remorseful.
SLUMPFLATIONARYslumpflationary adj. Relating to slumpflation.
SLUMPFLATIONARY adj. relating to slumpflation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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