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There are 20 words containing F, I, L, N, O, P, S and U

PUFTALOONIESPUFTALOONIES n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFFTALOONAS, PUFTALOON.
SLUMPFLATIONslumpflation n. (Economics) Inflation accompanied by a slump in output and employment.
SLUMPFLATION n. a state or period of combined economic decline and rising inflation.
UNWORSHIPFULunworshipful adj. Not worshipful.
UNWORSHIPFUL adj. not worshipful.
FILIPENDULOUSfilipendulous adj. Suspended by, or strung upon, a thread; said of tuberous swellings in the middle or at the extremities…
FILIPENDULOUS adj. hanging by or strung on a thread.
FLUOROSCOPINGfluoroscoping v. Present participle of fluoroscope.
FLUOROSCOPE v. to examine by fluoroscope.
PLATINIFEROUSplatiniferous adj. Yielding, or containing platinum.
PLATINIFEROUS adj. bearing platinum.
POLLENIFEROUSpolleniferous adj. (Botany) Producing pollen; polliniferous.
POLLENIFEROUS adj. bearing pollen.
POLLINIFEROUSpolliniferous adj. (Botany) Producing pollen; polleniferous.
POLLINIFEROUS adj. producing pollen; adapted for carrying pollen.
SLUMPFLATIONSSLUMPFLATION n. a state or period of combined economic decline and rising inflation.
SPLENDIFEROUSsplendiferous adj. Beautiful, splendid.
SPLENDIFEROUS adj. splendid.
FLAVOPURPURINSFLAVOPURPURIN n. a yellow crystalline dye derived from anthraquinone.
SULFINPYRAZONEsulfinpyrazone n. A uricosuric medication used to treat gout.
SULFINPYRAZONE n. a uricosuric drug used in the long-term treatment of chronic gout.
UNPROFESSIONALunprofessional adj. Unbecoming of a professional; hence inappropriate in the workplace.
unprofessional adj. Lacking a profession.
unprofessional n. One who is not a professional.
WORSHIPFULNESSworshipfulness n. The state or condition of being worshipful; reverence.
WORSHIPFULNESS n. the state of being worshipful.
SLUMPFLATIONARYslumpflationary adj. Relating to slumpflation.
SLUMPFLATIONARY adj. relating to slumpflation.
SPLENDIFEROUSLYsplendiferously adv. In a splendiferous manner.
SPLENDIFEROUS adv. splendid.
SUBPROFESSIONALsubprofessional adj. Not meeting the quality standards expected of a professional.
subprofessional n. A person working at less than professional level.
SUBPROFESSIONAL adj. functioning or qualified to function below the professional level but distinctly above the clerical or labor level and usually under the supervision of a professionally trained person.
SULFINPYRAZONESsulfinpyrazones n. Plural of sulfinpyrazone.
SULFINPYRAZONE n. a uricosuric drug used in the long-term treatment of chronic gout.
UNPROFESSIONALSunprofessionals n. Plural of unprofessional.
UNPROFESSIONAL n. one who is not professional.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 562 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 55 words

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