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There are 15 words containing F, 2I, L, R, T, V and Y

FRIVOLITYfrivolity n. Frivolous act.
frivolity n. State of being frivolous.
FRIVOLITY n. a trifling habit or nature.
REFLEXIVITYreflexivity n. The condition or state of being reflexive.
REFLEXIVITY n. the state of being reflexive.
FAVORABILITYfavorability n. The quality or degree of being viewed favorably.
favorability n. Something which is favorable.
FIGURATIVELYfiguratively adv. (Manner) In a figurative manner.
figuratively adv. Used to indicate that what follows is to be taken as a figure of speech, not literally.
FIGURATIVE adv. representing by a figure or resemblance.
REFLECTIVITYreflectivity n. (Physics) The property or quality of being reflective.
REFLECTIVITY n. the state of being reflective.
AFFIRMATIVELYaffirmatively adv. In an affirming manner.
AFFIRMATIVE adv. affirming.
DIFFRACTIVELYdiffractively adv. In a diffractive manner; by means of, or accompanied by diffraction.
DIFFRACTIVE adv. causing diffraction.
INFORMATIVELYinformatively adv. In an informative manner.
INFORMATIVE adv. imparting knowledge.
VERIFIABILITYverifiability n. The state or property of being capable of being verified; confirmability.
VERIFIABILITY n. the state of being verifiable.
IMPERFECTIVELYimperfectively adv. (Grammar) In an imperfective manner or context.
IMPERFECTIVE adv. expressing action as incomplete or without reference to completion or as reiterated.
VITRIFIABILITYvitrifiability n. The condition of being vitrifiable.
VITRIFIABILITY n. the quality of being vitrifiable.
OVERFAMILIARITYoverfamiliarity n. The state of being overfamiliar.
OVERFAMILIARITY n. the state of being overfamiliar.
PREFIGURATIVELYprefiguratively adv. In a prefigurative manner.
PREFIGURATIVE adv. relating to prefiguration.
UNINFORMATIVELYuninformatively adv. In a way that is not informative.
UNINFORMATIVE adv. not informative.
UNVERIFIABILITYunverifiability n. The quality of being unverifiable.
UNVERIFIABILITY n. the quality of being unverifiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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