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There are 20 words containing F, 3I, O and 3S

CLASSIFICATIONSclassifications n. Plural of classification.
CLASSIFICATION n. the act of classifying.
DIFFUSIONISMSdiffusionisms n. Plural of diffusionism.
DIFFUSIONISM n. the theory that diffusion is mainly responsible for cultural similarities.
DIFFUSIONISTSdiffusionists n. Plural of diffusionist.
DIFFUSIONIST n. an anthropologist who emphasizes the role of diffusion in the history of culture rather than independent invention or discovery.
DISINFESTATIONSdisinfestations n. Plural of disinfestation.
DISINFESTATION n. the act of disinfesting.
DISSATISFACTIONdissatisfaction n. Unhappiness or discontent.
dissatisfaction n. The cause of such feelings.
DISSATISFACTION n. the state of being dissatisfied.
FASCIOLIASISfascioliasis n. (Pathology) infestation with liver flukes (of genus Fasciola).
FASCIOLIASIS n. nematode infestation.
FETISHISATIONSfetishisations n. Plural of fetishisation.
FETISHISATION n. the process of fetishising, also FETISHIZATION.
FIBROSITISESFIBROSITIS n. inflammation of the nerve fibres.
FICTITIOUSNESSfictitiousness n. The state of being fictitious.
FICTITIOUS n. of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction, imaginary.
FORTISSISSIMOfortississimo adv. (Music) The musical notation indicating that the piece is played louder than fortissimo.
fortississimo n. (Music) The dynamic sign indicating that the piece should be played louder than fortissimo. Abbreviation: fff.
FORTISSISSIMO adv. (Italian) very very loud.
FOSSILISATIONfossilisation n. Britain standard spelling of fossilization.
FOSSILISATION n. the process of fossilising, also FOSSILIZATION.
FOSSILISATIONSfossilisations n. Plural of fossilisation.
FOSSILISATION n. the process of fossilising, also FOSSILIZATION.
FOSSILISINGfossilising v. Present participle of fossilise.
FOSSILISE v. to turn into a fossil, also FOSSILIZE.
FOSSILIZATIONSfossilizations n. Plural of fossilization.
FOSSILIZATION n. the process of fossilizing, also FOSSILISATION.
INFUSIONISMSINFUSIONISM n. the doctrine that at the birth of each individual a preexisting soul is implanted in his body.
INFUSIONISTSinfusionists n. Plural of infusionist.
INFUSIONIST n. a believer in infusionism.
INOFFICIOUSNESSinofficiousness n. The quality of being inofficious.
INOFFICIOUS n. not officious.
MASSIFICATIONSMASSIFICATION n. the practice of making luxury products available to the mass market.
OSSIFICATIONSossifications n. Plural of ossification.
OSSIFICATION n. the natural process of bone formation.
SOLIFIDIANISMSSOLIFIDIANISM n. the doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 234 words
  • Scrabble in French: 329 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 167 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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