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There are 20 words containing F, G, 2I, 2N, P and S

PANFISHINGpanfishing n. The process of fishing for panfish.
PANFISHING n. fishing for any small fish that can be fried whole.
FRANGIPANISfrangipanis n. Plural of frangipani.
FRANGIPANI n. a showy, fragrant shrub; a perfume; an almond-filled pastry, also FRANGIPANE, FRANGIPANNI.
OPSONIFYINGopsonifying v. Present participle of opsonify.
OPSONIFY v. to form opsonins in, a substance of blood serum making bacteria vulnerable to phagocytic action.
PANFISHINGSPANFISHING n. fishing for any small fish that can be fried whole.
SAPONIFYINGsaponifying v. Present participle of saponify.
SAPONIFY v. to convert into soap.
FINGERPRINTSfingerprints n. Plural of fingerprint.
fingerprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fingerprint.
finger-prints n. Plural of finger-print.
PATHFINDINGSpathfindings n. Plural of pathfinding.
PATHFINDING n. the act of marking the way e.g. by flares.
PERSONIFYINGpersonifying v. Present participle of personify.
personifying n. Personification.
PERSONIFY v. to be the embodiment of.
UNPROFITINGSUNPROFITING n. the lack of profit or gain.
PREFINANCINGSPREFINANCING n. financing arragned in advance.
PRESIGNIFYINGpresignifying v. Present participle of presignify.
PRESIGNIFY v. to intimate or signify beforehand.
SUPERREFININGsuperrefining v. Present participle of superrefine.
SUPERREFINE v. to refine to a very high degree.
FINGERPICKINGSfingerpickings n. Plural of fingerpicking.
FINGERPICKING n. playing the guitar with fingers rather than a plectrum.
FRONTISPIECINGfrontispiecing v. Present participle of frontispiece.
FRONTISPIECE v. to provide with a frontispiece.
PHOTOFINISHINGphotofinishing n. (Photography) The commercial developing and printing of photographs.
photo␣finishing n. All commercial aspects of the processing of photographs apart from simple developing and printing.
PHOTOFINISHING n. the development and printing of photographic film commercially.
PRESANCTIFYINGPRESANCTIFY v. to sanctify in advance.
SUPERINFECTINGsuperinfecting v. Present participle of superinfect.
SUPERINFECT v. to infect with a superinfection.
ANTISHOPLIFTINGantishoplifting adj. That serves to counter shoplifting.
ANTISHOPLIFTING adj. designed to prevent shoplifting.
FINGERPRINTINGSfingerprintings n. Plural of fingerprinting.
FINGERPRINTING n. the act of taking fingerprints.
PHOTOFINISHINGSPHOTOFINISHING n. the development and printing of photographic film commercially.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 248 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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