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There are 19 words containing F, O, R, S and 3T

AFTERTHOUGHTSafterthoughts n. Plural of afterthought.
AFTERTHOUGHT n. an idea occurring later.
BATTLEFRONTSbattlefronts n. Plural of battlefront.
BATTLEFRONT n. the military sector in which actual combat takes place.
CONTRAFAGOTTOScontrafagottos n. Plural of contrafagotto.
CONTRAFAGOTTO n. (Italian) a musical instrument like a bassoon.
FAITHWORTHIESTFAITHWORTHY adj. worthy of faith or belief.
FORTUITISTfortuitist n. A believer in fortuitism.
FORTUITIST n. one who believes in evolution by chance variation.
FORTUITISTSfortuitists n. Plural of fortuitist.
FORTUITIST n. one who believes in evolution by chance variation.
FROSTBITTENfrostbitten adj. Affected by frostbite.
FROSTBITE v. to affect with frostbite.
OUTFITTERSoutfitters n. Plural of outfitter.
OUTFITTER n. a person who deals in clothing, haberdashery, sporting equipment, etc.
PRETTIFICATIONSprettifications n. Plural of prettification.
PRETTIFICATION n. the act of prettifying.
RETROFITTINGSretrofittings n. Plural of retrofitting.
RETROFITTING n. the act of retrofitting.
STALACTITIFORMstalactitiform adj. Having the form of a stalactite; stalactiform.
STALACTITIFORM adj. having the form of a stalactite.
STRAIGHTFORTHstraightforth adv. Directly.
STRAIGHTFORTH adv. directly forward; straight away, immediately.
STRATIFICATIONstratification n. The process leading to the formation or deposition of layers, especially of sedimentary rocks.
stratification n. (Music) a layering of musical texture.
stratification n. (Ecology) the vertical layering of vegetation in a forest.
STRATIFICATIONSstratifications n. Plural of stratification.
STRATIFICATION n. (geology) the accumulation of material in layers or beds.
TESTIFICATORtestificator n. (Obsolete) A testifier.
TESTIFICATOR n. one who testifies.
TESTIFICATORStestificators n. Plural of testificator.
TESTIFICATOR n. one who testifies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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