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There are 15 words containing F, 2N, 2O, T and Y

COCKNEYFICATIONcockneyfication n. The use of cockney words or mannerisms, especially by non-cockneys.
COCKNEYFICATION n. the process of cockneyfying.
CONFECTIONARYconfectionary adj. Relating to, or of the nature of confections or their production.
confectionary adj. Prepared as a confection.
confectionary n. A candy, sweetmeat; a confection.
CONFECTIONERYconfectionery n. (Uncountable) Foodstuffs that taste very sweet, taken as a group; candies, sweetmeats and confections collectively.
confectionery n. (Uncountable) The business or occupation of manufacturing confectionery; the skill or work of a confectioner.
confectionery n. A store where confectionery is sold; a confectioner’s shop.
FOUNDATIONALLYfoundationally adv. In a foundational manner.
FOUNDATIONAL adv. of or like a foundation.
FOUNDATIONARYFOUNDATIONARY adj. relating to a foundation.
INCONFORMITYinconformity n. (Obsolete) Lack of conformity.
INCONFORMITY n. lack of conformity.
INFORMATIONALLYinformationally adv. In an informational manner.
informationally adv. With regard to information.
INFORMATIONAL adv. relating to information.
NONCONFORMITYnonconformity n. Refusal to conform to the doctrine, discipline, or practice of a state religion, especially refusal…
nonconformity n. Rejection of, or failure to conform to, a practice, standard, rule, or law.
nonconformity n. (Geology) A type of unconformity in which a non-sedimentary rock intrudes in sedimentary layers.
NONFICTIONALLYnonfictionally adv. In a nonfictional manner.
NONFICTIONAL adv. not fictional.
NONFUNCTIONALLYnonfunctionally adv. In a nonfunctional way.
NONINFLAMMATORYnoninflammatory adj. Not inflammatory; not able to inflame.
NONINFLAMMATORY adj. not inflammatory.
NONINFLATIONARYnoninflationary adj. Not inflationary; not likely to cause economic inflation.
NONINFLATIONARY adj. not inflationary.
NONUNIFORMITYnonuniformity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being nonuniform.
nonuniformity n. (Countable) A nonuniform thing.
NONUNIFORMITY n. the state of being nonuniform.
OVERCONFIDENTLYoverconfidently adv. In an overconfident manner.
OVERCONFIDENT adv. excessively confident.
UNCONFORMITYunconformity n. (Nonstandard) A lack of conformity.
unconformity n. (Geology) A gap in the stratigraphic record at a site, resulting from erosion having outpaced deposition…
UNCONFORMITY n. a buried erosion surface separating two rock masses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 479 words
  • Scrabble in French: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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