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There are 18 words containing F, L, M, O, P, S and T

AMPLIFICATIONSamplifications n. Plural of amplification.
AMPLIFICATION n. an act, example, or product of amplifying.
FILIOPIETISMSorry, definition not available.
FILIOPIETISMSSorry, definition not available.
PALMIFICATIONSPALMIFICATION n. the artificial fertilization of dates by hanging a wild male flower cluster on a cultivated female tree.
PLATFORMERSplatformers n. Plural of platformer.
PLATFORMER n. a platform game, a type of computer game that is played by moving a figure on the screen through a series of obstacles and problems.
PLATFORMINGSPLATFORMING n. a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst.
PLATFORMSplatforms n. Plural of platform.
platforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of platform.
PLATFORM v. to equip with a platform.
PREFORMULATESpreformulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preformulate.
PREFORMULATE v. to formulate in advance.
SIMPLIFICATIONsimplification n. The act of simplifying or something that has been simplified.
simplification n. (Logic) A valid simple argument.
SIMPLIFICATION n. the act of simplifying.
SIMPLIFICATIONSsimplifications n. Plural of simplification.
SIMPLIFICATION n. the act of simplifying.
SIMPLIFICATORsimplificator n. One who simplifies.
SIMPLIFICATOR n. one who simplifies.
SIMPLIFICATORSsimplificators n. Plural of simplificator.
SIMPLIFICATOR n. one who simplifies.
SLUMPFLATIONslumpflation n. (Economics) Inflation accompanied by a slump in output and employment.
SLUMPFLATION n. a state or period of combined economic decline and rising inflation.
SLUMPFLATIONARYslumpflationary adj. Relating to slumpflation.
SLUMPFLATIONARY adj. relating to slumpflation.
SLUMPFLATIONSSLUMPFLATION n. a state or period of combined economic decline and rising inflation.
TELESCOPIFORMtelescopiform adj. Shaped like a telescope, with retractile tubular portions.
TELESCOPIFORM adj. in the form of a telescope.
WAFFLESTOMPERwafflestomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle-stomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle␣stomper n. (Footwear, informal) A type of heavy hiking boot with ridged soles.
WAFFLESTOMPERSwafflestompers n. Plural of wafflestomper.
waffle-stompers n. Plural of waffle-stomper.
waffle␣stompers n. Plural of waffle stomper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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