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There are 19 words containing F, I, M, O, R, U and Y

CHYMIFEROUSchymiferous adj. Bearing or containing chyme.
CHYMIFEROUS adj. containing chyme.
CRUCIFORMLYcruciformly adv. In a cruciform manner.
CRUCIFORM adv. cross-shaped.
CYMIFEROUScymiferous adj. (Botany) Producing cymes.
CYMIFEROUS adj. bearing cymes.
FLAVOURDYNAMICSflavourdynamics n. Alternative spelling of flavordynamics.
FLAVOURDYNAMICS n. as in quantum flavourdynamics, a mathematical model used to describe the interaction of flavored particles (weak force) through the exchange of intermediate vector bosons.
FLUORIMETRYfluorimetry n. (Chemistry, physics) fluorescence spectroscopy.
FLUORIMETRY n. measurement by fluorimeter, also FLUOROMETRY.
FORMULAICALLYformulaically adv. In a formulaic manner; according to an established formula.
FORMULAIC adv. of the nature of a formula.
FULMINATORYfulminatory adj. Thundering; striking terror.
FULMINATORY adj. serving to fulminate.
FUMIGATORYfumigatory adj. Having the quality of purifying by smoke.
FUMIGATORY adj. having the quality of purifying by smoke.
FUMITORYfumitory n. Any plant of the taxonomic genus Fumaria of annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Papaveraceae…
FUMITORY n. a plant once used to treat scurvy, also FEMETARY, FEMITER, FENITAR.
MULTIFARIOUSLYmultifariously adv. In a multifarious manner.
MULTIFARIOUS adv. having great diversity; manifold.
MULTIFORMITYmultiformity n. The quality of being multiform, or having many forms.
MULTIFORMITY n. the state of being multiform.
NONUNIFORMITYnonuniformity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being nonuniform.
nonuniformity n. (Countable) A nonuniform thing.
NONUNIFORMITY n. the state of being nonuniform.
OMNIFARIOUSLYomnifariously adv. In an omnifarious manner.
OMNIFARIOUS adv. of all kinds.
SLUMPFLATIONARYslumpflationary adj. Relating to slumpflation.
SLUMPFLATIONARY adj. relating to slumpflation.
SOMNIFEROUSLYsomniferously adv. In a somniferous way.
SOMNIFEROUS adv. causing sleep.
UNCONFORMITYunconformity n. (Nonstandard) A lack of conformity.
unconformity n. (Geology) A gap in the stratigraphic record at a site, resulting from erosion having outpaced deposition…
UNCONFORMITY n. a buried erosion surface separating two rock masses.
UNIFORMITYuniformity n. The state of being uniform, alike and lacking variety.
uniformity n. The absence of alternatives or diversity; sameness.
uniformity n. A collection of identical things.
UNIFORMLYuniformly adv. In a uniform manner, consistently.
UNIFORM adv. consistent.
UNINFORMATIVELYuninformatively adv. In a way that is not informative.
UNINFORMATIVE adv. not informative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 332 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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