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There are 13 words containing F, I, L, 2N and 2R

FARNARKELINGFARNARKELING n. wasting time, messing about.
INTERFRONTALinterfrontal adj. (Anatomy) Between the frontal bones.
INTERFRONTAL adj. between the frontal bones.
UNFRIENDLIERunfriendlier adj. Comparative form of unfriendly: more unfriendly.
UNFRIENDLY adj. not friendly.
FARNARKELINGSFARNARKELING n. wasting time, messing about.
FOREWARNINGLYforewarningly adv. So as to forewarn; in a way that gives advance warning.
FOREWARNING adv. warn in advance.
INTERFERINGLYinterferingly adv. So as to interfere.
INTERFERING adv. INTERFERE, to intervene, come in the way.
INFOPRENEURIALinfopreneurial adj. Of or pertaining to an infopreneur or his/her skills.
INFOPRENEURIAL adj. of or relating to the industry concerned with the development, manufacture and sale of esp. computerized or electronic equipment for the distribution of information.
INFRALAPSARIANinfralapsarian n. (Christianity) A Calvinist who holds that election is a logical consequent of the Fall of man in the…
INFRALAPSARIAN n. a person who believes that foreknowledge of the Fall preceded God's decree of who was predestined to salvation and who was not.
INTERFERENTIALinterferential adj. Of or pertaining to interference (in all senses).
INTERFERENTIAL adj. of the nature of interference.
TRANSFERENTIALtransferential adj. Of or pertaining to transference.
TRANSFERENTIAL adj. relating to transference.
INFRALAPSARIANSinfralapsarians n. Plural of infralapsarian.
INFRALAPSARIAN n. a person who believes that foreknowledge of the Fall preceded God's decree of who was predestined to salvation and who was not.
NONPROFESSORIALnonprofessorial adj. Not professorial.
NONPROFESSORIAL adj. not professorial.
REFRANGIBLENESSrefrangibleness n. The quality of being refrangible.
REFRANGIBLE n. that may be refracted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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