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There are 15 words containing F, 2I, N, R, S and X

PREFIXIONSprefixions n. Plural of prefixion.
PREFIXION n. the act of prefixing.
TRANSFIXINGtransfixing v. Present participle of transfix.
TRANSFIX v. to impale.
TRANSFIXIONtransfixion n. (Surgery) In amputation, passing the knife from side to side through tissue close to the bone and dividing…
TRANSFIXION n. the act of transfixing.
CRUCIFIXIONScrucifixions n. Plural of crucifixion.
CRUCIFIXION n. execution by crucifying.
DORSIFLEXINGdorsiflexing v. Present participle of dorsiflex.
DORSIFLEX v. to bend towards the back or dorsal.
DORSIFLEXIONdorsiflexion n. (Medicine) Flexion in the dorsal direction.
DORSIFLEXION n. a bending backwards; a bending of the back.
FLEXITARIANSflexitarians n. Plural of flexitarian.
FLEXITARIAN n. a vegetarian who is less than strict about what he or she eats.
TRANSFIXIONStransfixions n. Plural of transfixion.
TRANSFIXION n. the act of transfixing.
DORSIFLEXIONSdorsiflexions n. Plural of dorsiflexion.
DORSIFLEXION n. a bending backwards; a bending of the back.
EXFILTRATIONSexfiltrations n. Plural of exfiltration.
CIPROFLOXACINSCIPROFLOXACIN n. an antibiotic used against anthrax.
CIRCUMFLEXIONScircumflexions n. Plural of circumflexion.
CIRCUMFLEXION n. a bending round.
FLEXITARIANISMflexitarianism n. (US) The practice of eating mainly vegetarian food, but making occasional exceptions for social, pragmatic…
FLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons.
FLEXITARIANISMSFLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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