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There are 18 words containing F, 2I, L, P, S and Y

SIMPLIFYsimplify v. (Transitive) To make simpler, either by reducing in complexity, reducing to component parts, or making…
simplify v. (Intransitive) To become simpler.
SIMPLIFY v. to make simple.
SPIFFILYspiffily adv. (Colloquial) In a spiffy manner; done with style.
SPIFFY adv. excellent.
YPSILIFORMypsiliform adj. In the shape of the letter upsilon (Υ).
YPSILIFORM adj. shaped like an ypsilon.
SIMPLIFYINGsimplifying v. Present participle of simplify.
SIMPLIFY v. to make simple.
OVERSIMPLIFYoversimplify v. To explain or present something in a way that excludes important information for the sake of brevity…
OVERSIMPLIFY v. to simplify to such an extent as to bring about distortion, misunderstanding, or error.
PERFIDIOUSLYperfidiously adv. In a perfidious manner.
PERFIDIOUS adv. characterized by faithlessness or disloyalty.
SPECIFICALLYspecifically adv. In a specific manner, applying to or naming a particular thing or things, expressly, explicitly.
specifically adv. For a specific purpose or reason.
SPECIFICAL adv. for a particular purpose, also SPECIFIC.
FISSIPAROUSLYfissiparously adv. In a fissiparous manner.
FISSIPAROUS adv. producing new biological units or individuals by fission, as with most strains of bacteria.
SOPORIFICALLYsoporifically adv. In a soporific manner.
SOPORIFIC adv. tending to produce sleep.
SUPERFICIALLYsuperficially adv. In a superficial manner; shallowly.
SUPERFICIAL adv. on the surface.
SUPERFLUIDITYsuperfluidity n. (Physics) The frictionless flow that is characteristic of a fluid with zero viscosity, especially liquid…
SUPERFLUIDITY n. the state of being superfluid.
PACIFISTICALLYpacifistically adv. In a pacifistic manner; in the manner of a pacifist.
PACIFISTIC adv. relating to the beliefs and principles of pacifists.
SUPERFICIALITYsuperficiality n. The property of being superficial, the tendency to judge by surface appearance.
SUPERFICIALITY n. the state of being superficial.
UNSPECIFICALLYunspecifically adv. In an unspecific manner; not specifically.
UNSPECIFIC adv. not specific.
HYPERINFLATIONShyperinflations n. Plural of hyperinflation.
HYPERINFLATION n. inflation growing at a very high rate in a very short time.
NONSPECIFICALLYnonspecifically adv. In a nonspecific manner.
NONSPECIFIC adv. of a disease, not caused by any specific, identifiable agent.
OVERSIMPLIFYINGoversimplifying v. Present participle of oversimplify.
OVERSIMPLIFY v. to simplify to such an extent as to bring about distortion, misunderstanding, or error.
SUBSPECIFICALLYsubspecifically adv. (Taxonomy) With regard to a subspecies.
SUBSPECIFIC adv. relating to a subspecies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 281 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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