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There are 13 words containing F, 4I, O and V

COSIGNIFICATIVEcosignificative adj. (Rare) Having the same meaning.
COSIGNIFICATIVE adj. having the same signification.
DEVITRIFICATIONdevitrification n. The formation of small crystals in a glass as a result of slow cooling from the molten state.
DEVITRIFICATION n. the act of devitrifying.
DIVERSIFICATIONdiversification n. The act, or the result, of diversifying.
diversification n. A corporate strategy in which a company acquires or establishes a business other than that of its current product.
diversification n. (Finance) An investment strategy involving investing in a range of assets with differing features in…
REVIVIFICATIONrevivification n. The act of reviving; restoration of life.
revivification n. (Chemistry, obsolete) The reduction of a metal from a state of combination to its metallic state.
REVIVIFICATION n. the act of revivifying.
REVIVIFICATIONSrevivifications n. Plural of revivification.
REVIVIFICATION n. the act of revivifying.
VILIFICATIONvilification n. Slanderous or malicious defamation; character assassination.
VILIFICATION n. the act of vilifying.
VILIFICATIONSvilifications n. Plural of vilification.
VILIFICATION n. the act of vilifying.
VINIFICATIONvinification n. The process of vinifying; winemaking.
VINIFICATION n. the process of fermenting wine.
VINIFICATIONSvinifications n. Plural of vinification.
VINIFICATION n. the process of fermenting wine.
VITRIFICATIONvitrification n. (Usually uncountable) The action or process of vitrifying a material: conversion into a glass-like amorphous…
vitrification n. (Countable) An instance of such conversion.
vitrification n. (Countable) The result of such conversion: a vitrified substance or object.
VITRIFICATIONSvitrifications n. Plural of vitrification.
VITRIFICATION n. the process of converting into glass, also VITRIFACTION.
VIVIFICATIONvivification n. The giving of life; vitalization; animation.
VIVIFICATION n. the act of vivifying.
VIVIFICATIONSvivifications n. Plural of vivification.
VIVIFICATION n. the act of vivifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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