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There are 20 words containing F, H, O, R and 3S

CROSSFISHcrossfish n. (Archaic) A starfish.
CROSSFISH n. another name for the common sea urchin.
ROSEFISHESrosefishes n. Plural of rosefish.
rose␣fishes n. Plural of rose fish.
ROSEFISH n. a large marine food fish, aka bergylt.
CROSSFISHEScrossfishes n. Plural of crossfish.
CROSSFISH n. another name for the common sea urchin.
FROSTFISHESfrostfishes n. Plural of frostfish.
FROSTFISH n. an American fish appearing in frosty weather.
SWORDFISHESswordfishes n. Plural of swordfish.
swordfishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of swordfish.
SWORDFISH n. a large fish with upper jaw compressed and prolonged as a stabbing weapon.
FROTHINESSESFROTHINESS n. the state of being frothy.
HORSEFLESHESHORSEFLESH n. horses considered esp. with reference to riding, driving, or racing.
CONFESSORSHIPconfessorship n. The condition of a person who continues to confess their faith when suffering persecution.
CONFESSORSHIP n. the office of confessor.
FORESIGHTLESSforesightless adj. Lacking foresight.
FORESIGHTLESS adj. without foresight.
PROFESSORSHIPprofessorship n. (Education) The office of a professor.
PROFESSORSHIP n. the office of professor.
SURGEONFISHESsurgeonfishes n. Plural of surgeonfish.
SURGEONFISH n. a kind of tropical fish with razor-sharp spines on the tail.
CONFESSORSHIPSconfessorships n. Plural of confessorship.
CONFESSORSHIP n. the office of confessor.
PROFESSORSHIPSprofessorships n. Plural of professorship.
PROFESSORSHIP n. the office of professor.
SYNCHROFLASHESSYNCHROFLASH n. a mechanism which synchronizes the opening of a camera shutter with the peak of brilliance of a flash bulb.
WORSHIPFULNESSworshipfulness n. The state or condition of being worshipful; reverence.
WORSHIPFULNESS n. the state of being worshipful.
FOOLHARDINESSESfoolhardinesses n. Plural of foolhardiness.
FOOLHARDINESS n. the state of being foolhardy.
FORESIGHTEDNESSforesightedness n. The quality of having foresight.
foresightedness n. The prudent exercise of common sense when planning for the future.
FORESIGHTEDNESS n. the state of being foresighted.
SOFTHEARTEDNESSsoftheartedness n. The state or condition of being softhearted; sentimental tenderness.
soft-heartedness n. Alternative form of softheartedness.
SOFTHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being softhearted.
THREEFOLDNESSESTHREEFOLDNESS n. the state of being threefold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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