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There are 18 words containing F, H, L, R, 2T and U

TRUTHFULtruthful adj. Honest, and always telling the truth.
truthful adj. Accurately depicting what is real.
TRUTHFUL adj. telling the truth.
THIRSTFULthirstful adj. Thirsty.
THIRSTFUL adj. thirsty.
THREATFULthreatful adj. Threatening.
THREATFUL adj. full of threats; having a menacing appearance.
THRUSTFULthrustful adj. Tending to thrust oneself forward; pushy.
THRUSTFUL adj. pushy, assertive.
TRUTHFULLYtruthfully adv. (Manner) In a truthful manner.
truthfully adv. Frankly.
TRUTHFUL adv. telling the truth.
UNTRUTHFULuntruthful adj. Not giving the truth; providing untrue facts; lying.
untruthful adj. Pertaining to falsehood; corrupt; dishonest.
UNTRUTHFUL adj. not containing or telling the truth.
STRENGTHFULstrengthful adj. (Archaic) Full of strength; strong; having strength; powerful.
STRENGTHFUL adj. full of strength.
UNTHRIFTILYunthriftily adv. In a way that is not thrifty.
unthriftily adv. (Obsolete) In an immoral or dissolute manner.
UNTHRIFTY adv. not thrifty.
FOURTEENTHLYfourteenthly adv. In the fourteenth place; fourteenth in a row.
FOURTEENTH adv. number fourteen in sequence.
TRUTHFULNESStruthfulness n. The quality of being truthful.
TRUTHFULNESS n. the state of being truthful.
UNTRUTHFULLYuntruthfully adv. In an untruthful manner; falsely.
UNTRUTHFUL adv. not containing or telling the truth.
BUTTERFLYFISHbutterflyfish n. Any of a group of conspicuous tropical marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae; the bannerfish and…
butterfly␣fish n. Any fish of the family Chaetodontidae.
butterfly␣fish n. Pantodon buchholzi, a small brown fish of western African streams, often found in aquariums.
FORETHOUGHTFULforethoughtful adj. Having or full of forethought; provident; proactive; visionary.
FORETHOUGHTFUL adj. full of forethought.
TRUTHFULNESSEStruthfulnesses n. Plural of truthfulness.
TRUTHFULNESS n. the state of being truthful.
UNTRUTHFULNESSuntruthfulness n. The state of being untruthful; dishonesty.
UNTRUTHFULNESS n. the state of being untruthful.
BUTTERFLYFISHESbutterflyfishes n. Plural of butterflyfish.
butterfly␣fishes n. Plural of butterfly fish.
BUTTERFLYFISH n. any tropical marine percoid fish of the genera Chaetodon, Chelmon, etc., that has a deep flattened brightly coloured or strikingly marked body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 448 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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