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There are 20 words containing F, H, I, 2R and 2T

AFTERBIRTHafterbirth n. The placenta and other material expelled via the birth canal following childbirth or parturition in mammals.
AFTERBIRTH n. the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled after delivery.
AFTERBIRTHSafterbirths n. Plural of afterbirth.
AFTERBIRTH n. the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled after delivery.
FAITHWORTHIERFAITHWORTHY adj. worthy of faith or belief.
FARTHINGSWORTHfarthingsworth n. The amount that can be bought for a farthing.
Farthingsworth prop.n. A surname.
FARTHINGSWORTH n. as much as a farthing will buy.
FARTHINGSWORTHSfarthingsworths n. Plural of farthingsworth.
FARTHINGSWORTH n. as much as a farthing will buy.
FORTHRIGHTforthright adj. Straightforward; not evasive; candid and direct.
forthright adj. Frank, outspoken.
forthright adj. Markedly simple.
FORTHRIGHTLYforthrightly adv. In a forthright manner.
FORTHRIGHT adv. straightforward.
FORTHRIGHTNESSforthrightness n. The characteristic or quality of being forthright.
FORTHRIGHTNESS n. the state of being forthright.
FORTHRIGHTSforthrights n. Plural of forthright.
FORTHRIGHT n. (Shakespeare) a straight path.
PHOTOREFRACTIVEphotorefractive adj. (Physics) of or relating to a change in refractive index in the presence of light.
PHOTOREFRACTIVE adj. designating or relating to surgical procedures in which a laser is used to reshape the cornea and correct refractive errors such as myopia or astigmatism; esp. in photorefractive keratectomy.
SHIRTFRONTshirtfront n. The front part of a shirt.
shirtfront n. A detachable insert that simulates the front of a shirt.
shirtfront n. (Cricket) A pitch that is easy to bat on.
SHIRTFRONTEDshirtfronted adj. Wearing a shirtfront.
shirtfronted v. Simple past tense and past participle of shirtfront.
SHIRTFRONT v. to knock (a person) to the ground by striking him or her in the chest with one's shoulder.
SHIRTFRONTINGshirtfronting v. Present participle of shirtfront.
SHIRTFRONT v. to knock (a person) to the ground by striking him or her in the chest with one's shoulder.
SHIRTFRONTSshirtfronts n. Plural of shirtfront.
SHIRTFRONT v. to knock (a person) to the ground by striking him or her in the chest with one's shoulder.
STRAIGHTFORTHstraightforth adv. Directly.
STRAIGHTFORTH adv. directly forward; straight away, immediately.
STRAIGHTFORWARDstraightforward adj. Proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating.
straightforward adj. Easy, simple, uncomplicated, without difficulty.
straightforward adj. (Figurative) direct; forthright; frank; sincere.
THEREINAFTERthereinafter adv. In the following part (of a document or speech).
THEREINAFTER adv. in the following part of that matter (as writing, document, or speech).
THRIFTIERthriftier adj. Comparative form of thrifty: more thrifty.
THRIFTY adj. frugal.
UNTHRIFTIERunthriftier adj. Comparative form of unthrifty: more unthrifty.
UNTHRIFTY adj. not thrifty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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