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There are 20 words containing F, G, I, R, S, T and Y

DESERTIFYINGdesertifying v. Present participle of desertify.
DESERTIFY v. to make into a desert.
ESTERIFYINGesterifying v. Present participle of esterify.
ESTERIFY v. to convert into an ester.
FARSIGHTEDLYfarsightedly adv. In a farsighted manner.
FARSIGHTED adv. seeing or able to see to a great distance.
FORESIGHTEDLYforesightedly adv. With foresight; in a foresighted manner.
FORESIGHTED adv. having foresight.
FREESTYLINGfreestyling n. The activity of one who freestyles.
freestyling v. Present participle of freestyle.
FREESTYLING n. the act of swimming freestyle.
FREESTYLINGSfreestylings n. Plural of freestyling.
FREESTYLING n. the act of swimming freestyle.
FRUSTRATINGLYfrustratingly adv. In a frustrating manner; in a manner that causes frustration.
FUSTIGATORYFUSTIGATORY adj. relating to fustigation, beating with a club.
HISTORIFYINGhistorifying v. Present participle of historify.
HISTORIFY v. to record in history.
KARSTIFYINGkarstifying v. Present participle of karstify.
KARSTIFY v. to develop underground drainage.
MORTIFYINGSmortifyings n. Plural of mortifying.
MORTIFYING n. the act of mortifying.
PRESANCTIFYINGPRESANCTIFY v. to sanctify in advance.
REJUSTIFYINGrejustifying v. Present participle of rejustify.
REJUSTIFY v. to justify again.
RETESTIFYINGretestifying v. Present participle of retestify.
RETESTIFY v. to testify again.
SIGNIFICATORYsignificatory adj. Significant; having signification.
SIGNIFICATORY adj. of or relating to a significator, in astrology, a planet ruling a house.
SPRIGHTFULLYsprightfully adv. In a sprightful manner.
SPRIGHTFUL adv. (obsolete) full of spirit or of life.
STAGFLATIONARYstagflationary adj. (Economics) Tending to induce stagflation.
STAGFLATIONARY adj. relating to stagflation.
STRATIFYINGstratifying v. Present participle of stratify.
STRATIFY v. to arrange in layers.
TRANSMOGRIFYtransmogrify v. (Transitive) To completely alter the form of.
transmogrify v. (Intransitive) To completely alter one’s form.
TRANSMOGRIFY v. to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect.
TRANSMOGRIFYINGtransmogrifying v. Present participle of transmogrify.
TRANSMOGRIFY v. to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 326 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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