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There are 17 words containing 2F, 2L, N, T and U

AFFLUENTIALaffluential adj. Affluent and influential.
affluential n. An affluent, influential person.
AFFLUENTIAL n. an affluent person who does not display his or her wealth in the form of material possessions.
AFFLUENTIALSaffluentials n. Plural of affluential.
AFFLUENTIAL n. an affluent person who does not display his or her wealth in the form of material possessions.
AFFLUENTLYaffluently adv. In an affluent manner.
AFFLUENT adv. wealthy.
CONFLICTFULconflictful adj. Tending towards conflict.
conflictful adj. Conflicting.
CONFLICTFUL adj. full of conflict.
EFFULGENTLYeffulgently adv. In an effulgent manner; brilliantly.
EFFULGENT adv. radiant; bright.
FULFILLMENTfulfillment n. Alternative form of fulfilment.
FULFILLMENT n. completion, also FULFILMENT.
FULFILLMENTSfulfillments n. Plural of fulfillment.
FULFILLMENT n. completion, also FULFILMENT.
FULFILMENTfulfilment n. The act of fulfilling.
fulfilment n. The state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization.
fulfilment n. The act of consummating a desire or promise.
FULFILMENTSfulfilments n. Plural of fulfilment.
FULFILMENT n. completion, also FULFILLMENT.
INEFFECTUALLYineffectually adv. In an ineffectual manner.
INEFFECTUAL adv. not producing the proper or intended effect.
NONFULFILLMENTnonfulfillment n. The failure to fulfil an obligation.
NONFULFILLMENT n. something that is not fulfillment, also NONFULFILMENT.
NONFULFILLMENTSnonfulfillments n. Plural of nonfulfillment.
NONFULFILLMENT n. something that is not fulfillment, also NONFULFILMENT.
NONFULFILMENTnonfulfilment n. Failure to fulfil something.
non-fulfilment n. Alternative spelling of nonfulfilment.
NONFULFILMENT n. the event or act of a promise, threat, request, hope, duty, etc. not happening, also NONFULFILLMENT.
NONFULFILMENTSnonfulfilments n. Plural of nonfulfilment.
non-fulfilments n. Plural of non-fulfilment.
NONFULFILMENT n. the event or act of a promise, threat, request, hope, duty, etc. not happening, also NONFULFILLMENT.
OVERFULFILLMENTSorry, definition not available.
UNFAITHFULLYunfaithfully adv. In an unfaithful manner.
UNFAITHFUL adv. not faithful.
UNFRUITFULLYunfruitfully adv. In an unfruitful manner.
UNFRUITFUL adv. not fruitful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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