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There are 13 words containing 2F, I, L, 2O and R

FIREFLOODFIREFLOOD n. a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the flow.
FLORIFORMfloriform adj. Shaped like a flower.
FLORIFORM adj. shaped like a flower.
FIREFLOODSFIREFLOOD n. a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the flow.
FALCONIFORMfalconiform n. (Ornithology) Any falcon of the order Falconiformes.
FALCONIFORM adj. shaped like a falcon.
FLORIFEROUSfloriferous adj. (Botany) That bears flowers (especially lots of flowers).
FLORIFEROUS adj. bearing flowers.
PILFERPROOFpilferproof adj. Designed to prevent pilfering (thieving), especially of a container.
PILFERPROOF adj. secure against pilfering.
OFFICEHOLDERofficeholder n. A person who holds an office, especially one appointed or elected to a public office; an incumbent.
office-holder n. Alternative form of officeholder.
office␣holder n. Alternative form of officeholder.
FLAMEPROOFINGflameproofing v. Present participle of flameproof.
FLAMEPROOF v. to make resistant to damage or burning on contact with flame.
FOSSILIFEROUSfossiliferous adj. Containing fossils.
FOSSILIFEROUS adj. bearing fossils.
OFFICEHOLDERSofficeholders n. Plural of officeholder.
office-holders n. Plural of office-holder.
office␣holders n. Plural of office holder.
NONFORFEITABLEnonforfeitable adj. Not forfeitable.
NONFORFEITABLE adj. not forfeitable.
FLORIFEROUSNESSfloriferousness n. Quality of being floriferous, or bearing many flowers.
FLORIFEROUS n. bearing flowers.
UNFOSSILIFEROUSunfossiliferous adj. Not fossiliferous, nonfossiliferous.
UNFOSSILIFEROUS adj. not fossiliferous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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