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There are 18 words containing 2F, 2I, M, R and T

DIFFORMITYdifformity n. (Obsolete) irregularity or diversity of form; lack of uniformity.
DIFFORMITY n. irregularity of form.
AFFIRMATIONaffirmation n. That which is affirmed; a declaration that something is true.
affirmation n. (Law) The solemn declaration made by Quakers and others incapable of taking an oath.
affirmation n. A form of self-forced meditation or repetition; autosuggestion.
AFFIRMATIVEaffirmative adj. Pertaining to truth; asserting that something is; affirming.
affirmative adj. Pertaining to any assertion or active confirmation that favors a particular result.
affirmative adj. Positive.
FORMFITTINGformfitting adj. (Of clothing) That follows the contours of the body.
form-fitting adj. (Of clothing) Fitting closely to the body of the wearer, thus clearly revealing its shape.
FORMFITTING adj. fitting the form.
AFFIRMATIONSaffirmations n. Plural of affirmation.
AFFIRMATION n. the act of affirming.
AFFIRMATIVESaffirmatives n. Plural of affirmative.
AFFIRMATIVE n. an expression of affirmation or assent.
DIFFORMITIESdifformities n. Plural of difformity.
DIFFORMITY n. irregularity of form.
AFFIRMATIVELYaffirmatively adv. In an affirming manner.
AFFIRMATIVE adv. affirming.
REAFFIRMATIONreaffirmation n. An act of reaffirming; a second or subsequent affirmation.
REAFFIRMATION n. the act of reaffirming.
DISAFFIRMATIONdisaffirmation n. The act of denial; a declaration that something is not true.
disaffirmation n. Repudiation of self or other. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
DISAFFIRMATION n. the act of disaffirming.
FORISFAMILIATEforisfamiliate v. (Intransitive, law) To renounce a legal title to a further share of paternal inheritance.
forisfamiliate v. (Transitive, law) Of a father: to put (a son or daughter) in possession of land which the son or daughter…
FORISFAMILIATE v. (Scots) to emancipate from parental authority.
INDIFFERENTISMindifferentism n. (Religion) The doctrine that all religions are equally valid.
indifferentism n. (More broadly) Relativism, agnosticism; apathy, indifference.
indifferentism n. (Countable) An expression of such a doctrine or view.
REAFFIRMATIONSreaffirmations n. Plural of reaffirmation.
REAFFIRMATION n. the act of reaffirming.
DIFFRACTOMETRICdiffractometric adj. Relating to diffractometry; measured using a diffractometer.
DIFFRACTOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by diffractometer, an instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction.
DISAFFIRMATIONSdisaffirmations n. Plural of disaffirmation.
DISAFFIRMATION n. the act of disaffirming.
FORISFAMILIATEDforisfamiliated v. Simple past tense and past participle of forisfamiliate.
FORISFAMILIATE v. (Scots) to emancipate from parental authority.
FORISFAMILIATESforisfamiliates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forisfamiliate.
FORISFAMILIATE v. (Scots) to emancipate from parental authority.
INDIFFERENTISMSindifferentisms n. Plural of indifferentism.
INDIFFERENTISM n. the belief that all religions are equally valid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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