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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing F, G, I, N, 2O and R

FLOORINGSfloorings n. Plural of flooring.
FLOORING n. a floor.
FOOTERINGfootering v. Present participle of footer.
FOOTER v. to mess around aimlessly.
FORBODINGforboding adj. Alternative form of foreboding.
forboding v. Present participle of forbode.
forboding n. Alternative form of foreboding.
FOREDOINGforedoing v. Present participle of foredo.
FOREDO v. to destroy, also FORDO.
FOREGOINGforegoing adj. Occurring before or in front of something else, in time, place, rank or sequence.
foregoing v. Present participle of forego.
FOREGOING n. something that goes before.
FORHOOINGFORHOO v. (Scots) to desert or abandon, also FORHOOIE, FORHOW.
FORHOWINGforhowing v. Present participle of forhow.
FORHOW v. to desert or abandon, also FORHOO, FORHOOIE.
FRIGATOONfrigatoon n. (Nautical) A Venetian vessel with a square stern, having only a mainmast, jigger mast, and bowsprit;…
FRIGATOON n. a small Venetian vessel with a square stern and two masts.
PROOFINGSproofings n. Plural of proofing.
PROOFING n. material used to make things waterproof.
REFOOTINGrefooting v. Present participle of refoot.
refooting n. The act of supplying with a new foot.
REFOOT v. to replace the foot of.
REROOFINGreroofing v. Present participle of reroof.
reroofing n. The act of replacing a roof.
REROOF v. to renew the roof.
UNROOFINGunroofing v. Present participle of unroof.
UNROOF v. to remove the roof.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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