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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing F, I, 2N, 2R and T

AFTERBURNINGSAFTERBURNING n. reheat, the use of a device to inject fuel into the hot exhaust gases of a turbojet in order to obtain increased thrust.
ANTIFOREIGNERantiforeigner adj. Opposed to foreigners.
ANTIFOREIGNER adj. opposed to foreigners.
CONFARREATIONconfarreation n. (Ancient Rome) A form of marriage in Ancient Rome that was solemnized with cakes made from far (spelt).
CONFARREATION n. a Roman patrician mode of marriage, in which a spelt cake was offered up.
CONFRATERNITYconfraternity n. (Countable) A group with a common interest.
confraternity n. (Countable) A religious fraternity or brotherhood.
confraternity n. (Uncountable) Brotherly friendship.
COUNTERFIRINGSorry, definition not available.
FINGERPRINTEDfingerprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of fingerprint.
FINGERPRINT v. to take fingerprints.
FRONTRUNNINGSFRONTRUNNING n. the act of being a frontrunner, the leader in an event.
INTERFERENCESinterferences n. Plural of interference.
INTERFERENCE n. the act of interfering.
INTERFERINGLYinterferingly adv. So as to interfere.
INTERFERING adv. INTERFERE, to intervene, come in the way.
INTERGRAFTINGintergrafting v. Present participle of intergraft.
INTERGRAFT v. to graft between.
NITROPARAFFINnitroparaffin n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of aliphatic organic compounds containing a nitro functional group.
NITROPARAFFIN n. any of various nitro derivatives of alkanes.
NONFORFEITUREnonforfeiture n. Lack of forfeiture; failure to forfeit, or exemption from forfeiting.
NONFORFEITURE n. something that is not forfeiture.
REINFORCEMENTreinforcement n. (Uncountable) The act, process, or state of reinforcing or being reinforced.
reinforcement n. (Countable) A thing that reinforces.
reinforcement n. (In the plural) Additional troops or materiel sent to support a military action.
RETRANSFUSINGretransfusing v. Present participle of retransfuse.
RETRANSFUSE v. to transfuse again.
SHIRTFRONTINGshirtfronting v. Present participle of shirtfront.
SHIRTFRONT v. to knock (a person) to the ground by striking him or her in the chest with one's shoulder.
TRANSFIGURINGtransfiguring v. Present participle of transfigure.
TRANSFIGURE v. to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to.
TRANSFORMINGStransformings n. Plural of transforming.
TRANSFORMING n. the act of transforming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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